Modern React with Redux
- 小的component code易於維護
- 利用功能去切的component 例如 search bar 就可以拿去別的地方用
- index is the root of our application. All of the other components will branch(支線) out from inside it
- one rule. make one component per file. Always one no matter how smaill it is no matter what. Always one component per file
- react component can show other components, so we get search bar component over into index.js, we can use index.js to show the input
- our files are siloed(孤立) from each other unless we explicity declare a connection between the two of them
- import 檔案需要有actual relative path from the file, import node_modules library that we install with NPM 不需要有確切的path,只需要檔案夾的名字
- App 是父層,子層有<SearchBar>
- functional component and class based component
- class component : javascript object with properties and methods.
import React from 'react'; class SearchBar extends React.Component{ } import React, {Component} from 'react'; class SearchBar extends Component{ }
- 觸發event : handle----- or on--------
- whenever we're writing JSX and using javascript variables 要使用{ } (curly braces)
- <input> 的屬性(prop) onchange -----> <input onChange={this.onInputChange} />;
onInputChange(event){ //event Object console.log(event); }
- pass it to onChange event because any function passed to it automatically be called
- state: plain(簡樸的) javascript object that is used to record(紀錄) and react(反應) to user events.
- each instance of a class based component has its own copy of states
- each class based component that we defind has its own state object
- 當 state 被改變,component 會立即re-render,也同時會force強迫all of its children to re-render
- set the orioerty state to a plain javascript object inside the class's constructor method
- functioal component do not have state
- constructor function : first and only called automatically whenever a new instance of the class is created. this function get called all the time because it's called whenever we create a new instance of <searchBar /> like right here inside of index.js.
- constructor function is reserved(留作專用的) for innitialize cariable
- super( ); --> our component extends component( react. component ) while component itself has its own constructor fn. when we define a method that is already defined on parent class which is component , we call that parent method on the parent class by calling super. we're calling the parent method here with super.
- use state ---> we initialize it by creating a new object
this.state = {term: " "}; // property term on state
- basically whenever you want to update our component in some fashion be thinking state.
this.setState({ pass an object that contain the new state });
使用 javascript variable in render method 要使用{ } , 例如: { this.state.term }
this.setState ---> update the state which cause the entire component to re-render
- the state (boss) should tell the input (gay) what the current value should be.
- controlled component : input
- element 接受到 event onchange 的改變去 setstate value 去觸發 re-render, 然後 element 會接受到新的值 { this.state.term }