有些 Call Feature (功能/行為), 會用專業的詞作包裝 ……
- Recall feature
- Requirements
- When a Call is in the on-line answered state, the BT network interface will recognise a reduction of the loop current to 1mA or below, for a period in the range of 53ms to 103 ms, as a Recall siganl
- Requirements
- Ring tone
- Behavior: 來電的時候, 電話會有響鈴的狀態, 稱之為 Ring tone or Ring Signal
- RingBack tone
- Behavior: 撥打電話出去時, 會進入等待對方接聽電話的狀態, 此時從話機撥出的 Tone, 即稱之為 RingBack Tone
- Hold Call
- Behavior: 當進行一通電話時(active call), 想要保留電話, 但是想要暫停與對方的語音交流, 此時就須要做 Hold Call, Hold Call 可以達到暫停語音封包傳輸以即恢復語音封包傳輸