Robotframework 安裝教學

Robotframework 安裝教學



The Robot Framework IDE (RIDE) is the integrated development environment to implement automated tests for the Robot Framework. The Robot Framework is a generic test-automatation framework. A quick overview on the Robot Framework is available from the following introduction slides.


Install Python

1. 先下載Python (筆者是3.10.5,建議使用3的開發,2020年Python2不再支援)

2. 在C:\下建立一個Folder名為Python

3. 安裝Python在C:\Python下

4. 安裝完畢後請設定環境變數(安裝過程中,可以透過Python設定,不用自己在設定環境變數)

5. 找到Path這個變數後在後面加入 ;C:\Python;C:\Python\Scripts (在安裝的時候可以自動加入環境變數)

6. 安下確定按鈕後,確認Python有無安裝成功

7. 在Command line 輸入 python --version

Install Requests Library

1. 執行command line,輸入 pip install requests

2. 再輸入 pip install robotframework-requests

Install Robotframework and Database library

Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.

1. 執行command line,輸入 pip install robotframework

2. 再輸入 pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary

3. 再輸入 pip install pymssql (如果沒用到資料庫,請跳過)

4. 再輸入 pip install robotframework-databaselibrary

Install Autolit library

AutoItLibrary is a Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for for the freeware AutoIt tool ( using AutoIt’s AutoItX.dll COM object. The AutoItLibrary class provides a proxy for the AutoIt keywords callable on the AutoIt COM object and provides additional high-level keywords implemented as methods in this class.

1. 輸入 pip install robotframework-autoitlibrary (如果沒有要驗證檔案上傳,請跳過)


pip install -U robotframework-autoitlibrary --no-cache-dir --pre

Install Robotframework IDE

1. 執行command line,輸入 pip install robotframework-ride (不一定要使用Ride開發,也可以用Visual Studio Code開發,但目前Ride是比較簡單)

2. 驗證Robotframewok有無安裝起來,在command line 輸入

3. 看到畫面跑起來的結果

如果開不起來,請執行下面這段程式碼且錯誤訊息是 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging


pip install packaging
python -m pip install -U

Install Highlights for Text Edit

1. 執行command line,輸入 pip install pygments

2. Restart the IDE,並驗證

Create the shortcut to desktop

1. 在搜尋畫面打

2. 對此按下右鍵->內容


4. 輸入 %SystemDrive%\Python27\Lib\site-packages\robotide\widgets\robot.ico

5. 出現圖示後按下確定

Install Chrome driver for Google web testing

Go to download page, then unzip it. Save it to python path.