IMS Cleaerwater 安裝教學 (手動安裝於不同機器上)

Clearwater是一個開源的IMS專案,常被業界用來部屬virtual IMS系統。



  • 最少7個VM,其中一個做為DNS server剩下的六個分別對應到Clearwater的六個Node
  • 記下每個Node的IP作為後續設定使用
  • 每個VM必須擁有Public IP以及一個Private IP,根據環境的不同這兩個IP可以相同。兩個IP分別對應到<publicIP><privateIP>
  • 設定每台機器的FQDN如果沒有FQDN的話則使用public ip代替,對應到<hostname>
  • A DNS root zone in which to install your repository and the ability to configure records within that zone. This root zone will be referred to as <zone> below. In setting of DNS, this is referred to as ims.hom

強烈建議!!! 確認好所有VM的IP之後就先設定DNS Server

架設DNS Server


To install BIND on Ubuntu,

sudo apt-get install bind9

Creating Zone Entry

To create an entry for your zone, edit the /etc/bind/named.conf.local file to add a line of the following form, replacing <zone> with your zone name.

zone "<zone>" IN { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.<zone>"; };


zone "" IN { type master; file "/etc/bind/"; };

Configuring Zone

If you followed the instructions above, the zone file for your zone is at /etc/bind/db.<zone>.

接著是設定DNS zone的紀錄檔  以下是官方提供的範例  裡面有使用多個node 如果不需要的話只要留下一組就好

$TTL 5m ; Default TTL

; SOA, NS and A record for DNS server itself
@                 3600 IN SOA  ns admin ( 2014010800 ; Serial
                                          3600       ; Refresh
                                          3600       ; Retry
                                          3600       ; Expire
                                          300 )      ; Minimum TTL
@                 3600 IN NS   ns
ns                3600 IN A ; IPv4 address of BIND server   
ns                3600 IN AAAA 1::1    ; IPv6 address of BIND server

; bono
; ====
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
bono-1                 IN A  //ipv4 of bono
bono-2                 IN A
bono-1                 IN AAAA  2::1   //ipv6 of bono
bono-2                 IN AAAA  2::2
; Cluster A and AAAA records - UEs that don't support RFC 3263 will simply
; resolve the A or AAAA records and pick randomly from this set of addresses.
@                      IN A
@                      IN A
@                      IN AAAA  2::1
@                      IN AAAA  2::2
; NAPTR and SRV records - these indicate a preference for TCP and then resolve
; to port 5060 on the per-node records defined above.
@                      IN NAPTR 1 1 "S" "SIP+D2T" "" _sip._tcp
@                      IN NAPTR 2 1 "S" "SIP+D2U" "" _sip._udp
_sip._tcp              IN SRV   0 0 5060 bono-1
_sip._tcp              IN SRV   0 0 5060 bono-2
_sip._udp              IN SRV   0 0 5060 bono-1
_sip._udp              IN SRV   0 0 5060 bono-2

; sprout
; ======
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
sprout-1               IN A
sprout-2               IN A
sprout-1               IN AAAA  3::1
sprout-2               IN AAAA  3::2
; Cluster A and AAAA records - P-CSCFs that don't support RFC 3263 will simply
; resolve the A or AAAA records and pick randomly from this set of addresses.
sprout                 IN A
sprout                 IN A
sprout                 IN AAAA  3::1
sprout                 IN AAAA  3::2
; Cluster A and AAAA records - P-CSCFs that don't support RFC 3263 will simply
; resolve the A or AAAA records and pick randomly from this set of addresses.
scscf.sprout           IN A
scscf.sprout           IN A
scscf.sprout           IN AAAA  3::1
scscf.sprout           IN AAAA  3::2
; NAPTR and SRV records - these indicate TCP support only and then resolve
; to port 5054 on the per-node records defined above.
sprout                 IN NAPTR 1 1 "S" "SIP+D2T" "" _sip._tcp.sprout
_sip._tcp.sprout       IN SRV   0 0 5054 sprout-1
_sip._tcp.sprout       IN SRV   0 0 5054 sprout-2
; NAPTR and SRV records for S-CSCF - these indicate TCP support only and
; then resolve to port 5054 on the per-node records defined above.
scscf.sprout           IN NAPTR 1 1 "S" "SIP+D2T" "" _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout
_sip._tcp.scscf.sprout IN SRV   0 0 5054 sprout-1
_sip._tcp.scscf.sprout IN SRV   0 0 5054 sprout-2
; Cluster A and AAAA records - P-CSCFs that don't support RFC 3263 will simply
; resolve the A or AAAA records and pick randomly from this set of addresses.
icscf.sprout           IN A
icscf.sprout           IN A
icscf.sprout           IN AAAA  3::1
icscf.sprout           IN AAAA  3::2
; NAPTR and SRV records for I-CSCF - these indicate TCP support only and
; then resolve to port 5052 on the per-node records defined above.
icscf.sprout           IN NAPTR 1 1 "S" "SIP+D2T" "" _sip._tcp.icscf.sprout
_sip._tcp.icscf.sprout IN SRV   0 0 5052 sprout-1
_sip._tcp.icscf.sprout IN SRV   0 0 5052 sprout-2

; homestead
; =========
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
homestead-1            IN A
homestead-2            IN A
homestead-1            IN AAAA  4::1
homestead-2            IN AAAA  4::2
; Cluster A and AAAA records - sprout picks randomly from these.
hs                     IN A
hs                     IN A
hs                     IN AAAA  4::1
hs                     IN AAAA  4::2
; (No need for NAPTR or SRV records as homestead doesn't handle SIP traffic.)

; homer
; =====
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
homer-1                IN A
homer-2                IN A
homer-1                IN AAAA  5::1
homer-2                IN AAAA  5::2
; Cluster A and AAAA records - sprout picks randomly from these.
homer                  IN A
homer                  IN A
homer                  IN AAAA  5::1
homer                  IN AAAA  5::2
; (No need for NAPTR or SRV records as homer doesn't handle SIP traffic.)

; ralf
; =====
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
ralf-1                IN A
ralf-2                IN A
ralf-1                IN AAAA  6::1
ralf-2                IN AAAA  6::2
; Cluster A and AAAA records - sprout and bono pick randomly from these.
ralf                  IN A
ralf                  IN A
ralf                  IN AAAA  6::1
ralf                  IN AAAA  6::2
; (No need for NAPTR or SRV records as ralf doesn't handle SIP traffic.)

; ellis
; =====
; ellis is not clustered, so there's only ever one node.
; Per-node record - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
ellis-1                IN A
ellis-1                IN AAAA  7::1
; "Cluster"/access A and AAAA record
ellis                  IN A
ellis                  IN AAAA  7::1


To restart BIND, issue sudo service bind9 restart. Check /var/log/syslog for any error messages.

Client Configuration

Clearwater nodes need to know the identity of their DNS server. Ideally, this is achieved through DHCP. There are two main situations in which it might need to be configured manually.

  • When DNS configuration is not provided via DHCP.
  • When incorrect DNS configuration is provided via DHCP.

Either way, you must

  • create an /etc/dnsmasq.resolv.conf file containing the desired DNS configuration (probably just the single line nameserver <IP address>)
  • add RESOLV_CONF=/etc/dnsmasq.resolv.conf to /etc/default/dnsmasq
  • run service dnsmasq restart.

Restart BIND

sudo service bind9 restart

Your primary DNS server is now setup and ready to respond to DNS queries.


以下步驟在剩下的六個VM皆要執行  作為clearwater nodes的前置作業

Configuring the APT software sources

The machines need to be configured so that APT can use the Clearwater repository server.

Project Clearwater

Under sudo, create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clearwater.list with the following contents:

deb binary/

Once this is created install the signing key used by the Clearwater server with:

curl -L | sudo apt-key add -

You should check the key fingerprint with:

sudo apt-key finger

The output should contain the following - check the fingerprint carefully.

pub   4096R/22B97904 2013-04-30
      Key fingerprint = 9213 4604 DE32 7DF7 FEB7  2026 111D BE47 22B9 7904
uid                  Project Clearwater Maintainers <>
sub   4096R/46EC5B7F 2013-04-30

Finishing up

Once the above steps have been performed, run the following to re-index your package manager:

sudo apt-get update

Configuring the inter-node hostnames/IP addresses

在每個Node上面建立clearwater的inter-node config


etcd_cluster="<comma separated list of private IPs>"

Note that the etcd_cluster variable should be set to a comma separated list that contains the private IP address of the nodes you created above. For example if the nodes had addresses to, etcd_cluster should be set to ",,,,,"

除了上面的設定之外  Sprout 和 Ralf Node還要額外設定



bind-address = <privateIP>
bind-port = 7253
threads = 50

folder = /var/log/chronos
level = 2

enabled = true

max_ttl = 600

Install Node-Specific Software

ssh onto each box in turn and follow the appropriate instructions below according to the role the node will take in the deployment:

注意  當初有遇到ellis安裝失敗的問題,最後發現是原來ellis node的hostname跟username我都設定為ellis 所以導致有個程序叫做ellis

在安裝的時候就以為已經裝過了 導致安裝失敗

官方在後來有更新apt package的名稱 建議在這步驟時參考官方提供的文件


Install the Ellis package with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install ellis --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-management --yes


Install the Bono and Restund packages with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install bono restund --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-management --yes


Install the Sprout package with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install sprout --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-management --yes

If you want the Sprout nodes to include a Memento Application server, then install the Memento packages with:


sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install memento-as memento-nginx --yes


Install the Homer packages with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install homer --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-management --yes


Install the Homestead packages with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install homestead homestead-prov clearwater-prov-tools --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-management --yes


Install the Ralf package with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install ralf --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-management --yes

Sprout, Bono and Homestead nodes expose statistics over SNMP. This function is not installed by default. If you want to enable it follow the instruction in our SNMP documentation.

Provide Shared Configuration

Log onto any node in the deployment and create the file /etc/clearwater/shared_configwith the following contents:

# Deployment definitions

# Email server configuration
smtp_smarthost=<smtp server>

# Keys

If you wish to enable the optional external HSS lookups, add the following:

(我們沒有外部HHS 所以這裡跳過)

# HSS configuration
hss_hostname=<address of your HSS>

If you want to host multiple domains from the same Clearwater deployment, add the following (and configure DNS to route all domains to the same servers):


# Additional domains
additional_home_domains=<domain 1>,<domain 2>,<domain 3>...

If you want your Sprout nodes to include Gemini/Memento Application Servers add the following:


# Application Servers
gemini=<gemini port>
memento=<memento port>

See the Chef instructions for more information on how to fill these in. The values marked <secret>must be set to secure values to protect your deployment from unauthorized access. To modify these settings after the deployment is created, follow these instructions.




Now run the following to upload the configuration to a shared database and propagate it around the cluster.


Then upload it to the shared configuration database by runningsudo /usr/share/clearwater/clearwater-config-manager/scripts/upload_scscf_json. This means that any sprout nodes that you add to the cluster will automatically learn the configuration.


Provision Telephone Numbers in Ellis

Log onto you Ellis node and provision a pool of numbers in Ellis. The command given here will generate 1000 numbers starting at sip:6505550000@<zone>, meaning none of the generated numbers will be routable outside of the Clearwater deployment. For more details on creating numbers, see the documentation.

sudo bash -c "export PATH=/usr/share/clearwater/ellis/env/bin:$PATH ;
              cd /usr/share/clearwater/ellis/src/metaswitch/ellis/tools/ ;
              python --start 6505550000 --count 1000"

On success, you should see some output from python about importing eggs and then the following.

Created 1000 numbers, 0 already present in database

This command is idempotent, so it’s safe to run it multiple times. If you’ve run it once before, you’ll see the following instead.

Created 0 numbers, 1000 already present in database


Where next?

Once you’ve reached this point, your Clearwater deployment is ready to handle calls. See the following pages for instructions on making your first call and running the supplied regression test suite.