如何使用 office 365(Exchange online) 提供裝置或應用程式發送郵件

如何使用 office 365(Exchange online) 提供裝置或應用程式發送郵件

1.Option 1 (recommended): Authenticate your device or application directly with an Office 365 mailbox, and send mail using SMTP client submission
(此方法需要一個Exchange online授權帳號及發送裝置要支援TLS等協定)

Device or Application setting Value
Server/smart host smtp.office365.com
Port Port 587 (recommended) or port 25
TLS/ StartTLS Enabled
Username/email address and password Enter the sign in credentials of the hosted mailbox being used

Shows how a multifunction printer connects to Office 365 using SMTP client submission.


You can only send from one email address unless your device can store login credentials for multiple Office 365 mailboxes.
Office 365 imposes a limit of 30 messages sent per minute, and a limit of 10,000 recipients per day.

2. Option 2: Send mail directly from your printer or application to Office 365 (direct send)

Device or application setting Value
Server/smart host Your MX endpoint, for example, contoso-com.mail.protection.outlook.com
Port Port 25
TLS/StartTLS Enabled
Email address Any email address for one of your Office 365 accepted domains. This email address does not need to have a mailbox.

We recommend adding an SPF record to avoid having messages flagged as spam. If you are sending from a static IP address, add it to your SPF record in your domain registrar's DNS settings as follows:

DNS entry Value
SPF v=spf1 ip4:<Static IP Address> include:spf.protection.outlook.com ~all

Shows how a multifunction printer uses your Office 365 MX endpoint to send email directly to recipients in your organization only.


  • Direct send cannot be used to deliver email to external recipients, for example, recipients with Yahoo or Gmail addresses.

  • Your messages will be subject to antispam checks.

  • Sent mail might be disrupted if your IP addresses are blocked by a spam list.

  • Office 365 uses throttling policies to protect the performance of the service.

3.Option 3: Configure a connector to send mail using Office 365 SMTP relay

Settings for Office 365 SMTP relay

Device or application setting Value
Server/smart host Your MX endpoint, e.g. yourcontosodomain-com.mail.protection.outlook.com
Port Port 25
TLS/StartTLS Enabled
Email address Any email address for one of your Office 365 verified domains. This email address does not need a mailbox.

Shows how a multifunction printer connects to Office 365 using SMTP relay.


  • Sent mail can be disrupted if your IP addresses are blocked by a spam list.

  • Reasonable limits are imposed for sending. For more information, see Higher Risk Delivery Pool for Outbound Messages.

  • Requires static unshared IP addresses (unless a certificate is used).

  SMTP client submission Direct send SMTP relay
Send to recipients in your domain(s) Yes Yes Yes
Relay to Internet via Office 365 Yes No. Direct delivery only. Yes
Bypasses antispam Yes, if the mail is destined for an Office 365 mailbox. No. Suspicious emails might be filtered. We recommend a custom Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record. No. Suspicious emails might be filtered. We recommend a custom SPF record.
Supports mail sent from applications hosted by a third party Yes No No
Open network port Port 587 or port 25 Port 25 Port 25
Device or application server must support TLS Required Optional Optional
Requires authentication Office 365 user name and password required None One or more static IP addresses. Your printer or the server running your LOB app must have a static IP address to use for authentication with Office 365.
Throttling limits 10,000 recipients per day. 30 messages per minute. Standard throttling is in place to protect Office 365. Reasonable limits are imposed. The service can't be used to send spam or bulk mail. For more information about reasonable limits, see Higher Risk Delivery Pool for Outbound Messages.




參考來源: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/how-to-set-up-a-multifunction-device-or-application-to-send-email-using-office-3