【Community open camp 2016】Diving into Modern Web Development Toolchain: TypeScript, React and Redux - Carl Su

Channel 9

Diving into Modern Web Development Toolchain: TypeScript, React and Redux

主講:Carl Su



TypeScript: JavaScript that Scales

  • JavaScript 的超集合
  • 持續支援最新的 JavaScript 語言特性
  • 可以跑在任何瀏覽器(Node.js, any JavaScript engine)
  • 免費且開源
  • 『tsc』compiler 由 TypeScript 寫成
  • 支援 JSX 與 React

IDE and Editor Support

Language Features

  • Type annotations:有型別的 javascript
  • Compile-time type checking:靜態型別檢查
  • Type inference:自動型別推導
  • Type erasure
  • Interfaces:介面
  • Enumerated type:Enum 列舉型別
  • Generic:泛型
  • Namespaces
  • Tuple
  • Await


驗證你的 Typescript

Integrating with Build Tools


npm install tsify
browserify main.ts -p [ tsify --noImplicitAny ] > bundle.js


npm install ts-loader --save-dev


Typescript 定義檔,透過介面宣告,編譯才不會出錯

  • GitHub repository
  • NuGet package manager
  • TypeScript Definition Manager

React: JavaScript UI library

  • Declarative:當資料發生異動時,React 自動化協調畫面的更新
  • Component-Based:建立可重復使用的元件
  • Learn Once, Write Anywhere

Introduction to JSX

JSX 類似 HTML 語法,用來簡化 React 應用程式的開發

var Nav;

// Input (JSX):
var app = <Nav color="blue" />;

// Output (JS):
var app = React.createElement(Nav, {color:"blue"});

React Toolbox

A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification with the power of CSS Modules.

React CSS Modules

Seamless mapping of class names to CSS modules inside of React components.

Typed CSS Modules

Creates TypeScript definition files from CSS Modules .css files.

React Developer Tools (Google Chrome)

React Developer Tools (Mozilla Firefox)

From JavaScript to TypeScript

  • Add TypeScript config file.
  • Change file extension from .jsx? to .tsx?.
  • Supress errors using any.
  • Write new code and make as little use of any as possible.
  • Use ambient definitions for third party JavaScript code.
  • Declare missing modules (e.g.: declare module "humps";).
  • Declare non-js resources (e.g.: declare module "*.css";).
  • Including .jsx? files with --allowJs:tsconfig.json

Redux: Predictable State Container


Redux DevTools


redux-saga: Side Effect Manager

Making Async Calls:https://yelouafi.github.io/redux-saga/docs/introduction/BeginnerTutorial.html