

關於網頁 Script 加密 ( Encode ) 

可上微軟網站下載 Screnc.exe 檔案 ( 或其他網站下載 )
該檔可用來加密 ASP DHTML 中的 VB Script J Script ( .vbs  .js 檔案 )
但是只能防君子不能防小人.. 治標不治本 , 因為高手還是可解密囉

PS :
只有 M$ Internet Explorer 5.0 版以上才能解析讀取加密過的網頁 


Usage:   screnc [/?] [/s] [/f] [/xl] [/l ScriptLanguage] [/e DefaultExtension] 

                <source> <destination> 

Encode embedded script. 

/? -    Help 

/s -    Silent: display no messages 

/f -    Force: allow file(s) overwrite (source == destination) 

/xl -   Exclude Language: does not add the language directive in asp files 

/l ScriptLanguage - 
        Script Default Language: specify the default script language to be used when encoding 

/e DefaultExtension - 
        Default Extension: override actual file extension. Control the encoder to be loaded. 

        The file to encode. It can have wildcard characters. 

        The destination file. When <source> contains wildcard characters, 
        <destination> is the directory where to place the encoded files; files will keep the same name. 
        When <source> and <destination> are the same /f must be used. 

        screnc test.html encode.html 
                encode test.html into encode.html 

        screnc /f test.html 
                encode and override test.html 

        screnc /e html test.txt test1.txt 
                treat text.txt as an html file, encode it into text1.txt 

        screnc test.asp c:\myDir\test.asp 
                encode test.asp into c:\myDir\test.asp 

        screnc *.asp c:\myDir 
                encode all the asp files in the current directory and place them in c:\myDir

        screnc -s -f *.sct 
                encode all the scriptlet files in the current directory and override them. 
                No message is displayed 

        screnc -e asp *.* c:\myDir 
                encode *all* the files in the current directory as asp files. 
                Place these files in c:\myDir 

        screnc -e asp -xl *.inc c:\myDir 
                encode all the files with .inc extension as asp files. 
                Does not add the @LANGUAGE directive at the top of the file 

        screnc -l vbscript test.html encode.html 
                encode test.html into encode.html. When a script tag with no language attribute is found, 
                VBScript is assumed to be the default language. 
                If -l is not specified, JScript is assumed for html and VBScript is the default for asp