如何取得 MP3 音樂檔的中的歌名、演唱者..等相關資訊 ( ID3 )

如何取得 MP3 音樂檔的中的歌名、演唱者..等相關資訊 ( ID3 )

如何讀取 MP3 音樂檔的中的歌名、演唱者..等相關資訊 ( ID3 )

VB.Net 寫法 :

' 放表單裡 (Form)

Private Sub cmdGetID3_Click(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles cmdGetID3.Click

With Get_MP3_ID3("D:\MP3\50 Cent - Candy Shop.mp3")

MsgBox(.SongTitle, 64, "Song Title")

MsgBox(.Album, 64, "Album")

MsgBox(.Artist, 64, "Artist")

MsgBox(.Year_Renamed, 64, "Year")

MsgBox(.Comment, 64, "Comment")

MsgBox(.Genre, 64, "Genre")

End With

End Sub

' 放模組裡 (Module)

Public Structure MP3ID3

<VBFixedString(3)> Public Tag As String

<VBFixedString(30)> Public SongTitle As String

<VBFixedString(30)> Public Artist As String

<VBFixedString(30)> Public Album As String

<VBFixedString(4)> Public Year_Renamed As String

<VBFixedString(30)> Public Comment As String

Dim Genre As Byte

End Structure

Public Function Get_MP3_ID3(ByVal strFileName As String) As MP3ID3

Dim mp3file As MP3ID3

Dim intFileNo As Short

intFileNo = FreeFile

FileOpen(intFileNo, strFileName, OpenMode.Binary)

Seek(intFileNo, FileLen(strFileName) - 127)

FileGet(intFileNo, mp3file)


Get_MP3_ID3 = mp3file

End Function


VB6 寫法 :

' 放表單裡 (Form)

Private Sub cmdGetID3_Click()

With Get_MP3_ID3("D:\MP3\50 Cent - Candy Shop.mp3")

MsgBox .SongTitle, 64, "Song Title"

MsgBox .Album, 64, "Album"

MsgBox .Artist, 64, "Artist"

MsgBox .Year, 64, "Year"

MsgBox .Comment, 64, "Comment"

MsgBox .Genre, 64, "Genre"

End With

End Sub

' 放模組裡 (Module)

Public Type MP3ID3

Tag As String * 3

SongTitle As String * 30

Artist As String * 30

Album As String * 30

Year As String * 4

Comment As String * 30

Genre As Byte

End Type

Public Function Get_MP3_ID3(strFileName As String) As MP3ID3

Dim mp3file As MP3ID3

Dim intFileNo As Integer

intFileNo = FreeFile

Open strFileName For Binary As intFileNo

Seek #intFileNo, FileLen(strFileName) - 127

Get #intFileNo, , mp3file

Close #intFileNo

Get_MP3_ID3 = mp3file

End Function