WebService 和 WebSite 的差異

WebService 和 WebSite 的差異

Web Service是一個Web應用程式元件是在網路上基於XML型式和其他Web應用程式進互動。
WebSite 是網頁放在一起的集合他能透過瀏覽器訪問。

Web Service Website
A web service doesn’t have a user interface. A website has a user interface or GUI.
Web services are meant for other applications to be interacted with over the internet. Websites are meant for use by humans.
Web services are platform independent as they use open protocols Websites are cross-platform as they require tweaking to operate on different browsers, operating systems, etc.
Web services are accessed by HTTP methods – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. Websites are accessed by using their GUI components – buttons, text boxes, forms, etc.
E.g. Google maps API is a web service that can be used by websites to display Maps by passing coordinates to it. E.g. ArtOfTesting.com is a website that has a collection of related web pages containing tutorials.
