Spring Boot JSP call Spring Boot Web Service by using Json

IntelliJ Spring Boot Application using JSP and Web Service

Spring Boot JSP call Spring Boot Web Service by using Json 


REST Web Service, receive json TalkData , execute a Linux script(command is in TalkData) 



public class CallingController 



    String name(){return "hello it is caller for Linux script";} 


    @PostMapping(path = "/call2") 

    public String runScript2(@RequestBody TalkData talkData) 


        try { 

            Process proc = new ProcessBuilder(talkData.getCommandName(), "").start(); 

            try { 

                InputStream is = proc.getInputStream(); 

                int i = -1; 

                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); 

                while ((i = is.read()) != -1) { 



                proc.waitFor(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 

                return buf.toString(); 

            } catch (InterruptedException e) { 


                return "InterruptedException " + e.getMessage() + "!"; 


        } catch (IOException e) { 


            return "IOException " + e.getMessage() + "!"; 





Spring Boot Web call the Web Service 

Key point is the two lines 


HttpEntity<TalkDatarequestEntity = new HttpEntity<TalkData>(talkData);//modify 

ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.postForEntity(resourceURL,requestEntity,String.class);//modify 


Spring Boot Web Code as below: 




public class UserController { 


    private My my; 



    @RequestMapping(params = "memory", method = RequestMethod.POST) 

    public String selectLinuxClientGetMemory(String hostnamefinal RedirectAttributes attributes) { 


        List<My.ServerserverList = my.getServers(); 

        int selectIndex = -1; 


        for (int index=0; index < serverList.size();index++) 


            if (serverList.get(index).getName().equals(hostname)) 


                selectIndex = index; 





        if (selectIndex == -1) 


            return null; 



        String commandName = "/home/oracle/test3"; 


        String ip = serverList.get(selectIndex).getIp() + ":8084"; 


        TalkData talkData = new TalkData(); 


        HttpEntity<TalkDatarequestEntity = new HttpEntity<TalkData>(talkData);//modify 


        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); 

        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); 


        String resourceURL = "http://" + ip + "/call2"; 


        HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(headers); 


        ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.postForEntity(resourceURL,requestEntity,String.class);//modify 


        String result = ""; 


        if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.OK) 




            result = response.getBody(); 







        attributes.addFlashAttribute("result""MemFree  " + result + " kb"); 


        return "redirect:/user"; 




TalkData.java as below, include commandName: 



public class TalkData 


    private String commandName; 


    public String getCommandName() { 

        return commandName; 



    public void setCommandName(String commandName) { 

        this.commandName = commandName; 



    public TalkData() { 





My.java as below: 

Class My include Server List 



@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my") 

public class My { 


    private List<Server> servers; 


    public List<Server> getServers() { 

        return servers; 



    public void setServers(List<Server> servers) { 

        this.servers = servers; 



    public My() { 


//getters and setters 


    public static class Server 


        private String name; 

        private String ip; 


        public String getName() { 

            return name; 



        public void setName(String name) { 

            this.name = name; 



        public String getIp() { 

            return ip; 



        public void setIp(String ip) { 

            this.ip = ip; 




        public String toString() { 

            return "Server{" + 

                    "name='" + name + '\'' + 

                    ", ip='" + ip + '\'' + 







application.yml as below: 

define the server array 


    - name: Linux1 
    - name: Linux2 
    - name: Linux3 



user.jsp as below: 


<%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags/form" %> 

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %> 








<form:form method = "POST" action = "/user"> 


    <form:label path = "hostname">hostname</form:label> 


    <form:select path = "hostname"> 

        <form:option value = "NONE" label = "Select"/> 

        <form:options items = "${hostnameList}" /> 


    <input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="Submit"/> 

    <input type="submit" class="button" name="memory" value="GetMemory"/> 




<br /> 







UserController.java as below: 

Add Server List by application.yml server list 



    public Map<String, String> getHostnameList() 


        Map<String, String> hostnameList = new HashMap<String, String>(); 

        List<My.Server> serverList = my.getServers(); 

        for (My.Server s :serverList) 


            hostnameList.put(s.getName(), s.getName()); 


        return hostnameList; 




Using the Spring RestTemplate Interceptor