Effective C#

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  • C#
  • 2010-05-12

Effective C#

其實一開始是在找Effective C#這本書…結果發現CodeProject上面有不錯的文章,有幾點是蠻常用的,另外還有後來其它人討論過,有別的意見的,就整理一下跟大家分享一下:D


‧Item1 - Prefer the Length property when checking string size. [Performance]
‧Item2 - Prefer StringBuilder over string concatenation. [Performance]
‧Item3 - Avoid Boxing and UnBoxing as much as possible. [Performance]
‧Item4 - Prefer String.Equal method over == operator. [Performance]
‧Item5 - Use Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe) in case of long and heavy initialization. [Performance]
‧Item6 - Prefer 'for' over 'foreach'. [Performance]  <<有待討論
‧Item7 - Prefer the 'as' operator over direct type casting. [Usage]
‧Item8 - Use the 'checked' keyword to avoid overflow. [Usage]
‧Item9 - Use the 'is' operator before casting. [Usage]
‧Item10 - Use Explicit interface to 'hide' the implementation of an interface. [Usage]
‧Item11 - Use @ to ease the work with literal paths. [Usage]
‧Item12 - Make your API assembly CLS compliant. [Usage]
‧Item13 - Define destructor and implement IDisposable interface for classes that use native resources directly. [Garbage Collection]
‧Item14 - Avoid the use of GC.Collect [Garbage Collection]
‧Item15 - Use StructLayout attribute, for classes and structs, when using COM Interop. [COM Interop]


‧Item1 - Prefer the Length property when checking string size. (使用Length屬性來判斷字串大小。)

通常判斷字串是否為空有好幾個方法,如果確認字串不可能為null,則使用Length; 如果可能為null,則使用String.IsNullOrEmpty。


if(str != "") {}; 
if(str.Length > 0) {}; 
if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) {}; 


‧Item2 - Prefer StringBuilder over string concatenation. (使用StringBuilder來進行字串連接)


String strConcat;
ArrayList arrayOfStrings = new ArrayList();
foreach (string s in stringContainer) {
  strConcat += s; 

StringBuilder sbConcat = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (string s in arrayOfStrings ) { 

‧Item3 - Avoid Boxing and UnBoxing as much as possible.(儘量避免使用boxing及unboxing)


struct st { public int i; }
Arraylist arr = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0 ; i< count; i++) { 
  st s;
  s.i = 4; 
  arr.item.add(st) ; //<- Boxing (Allocating an object instance
                     // + copying the value-type value into that instance)
st obj = (st ) arr[0]; //<- Unboxing (casting and copy) 

//Decalre the data type as class.
Class st { public int i; } 


‧Item4 - Prefer String.Equal method over == operator. (在進行字串比較是否相同時,儘量使用String.Equal)

if (str.CompareTo(str2) == 0) {}
if (str.Equals(str2)) {}
if (str == str2) {}

請參閱MSDN:HOW TO:比較字串 (C# 程式設計手冊)


Item5 - Use Native Image Generator (nGen.exe) in case of long and heavy initialization.

因為.Net Framework執行C#時使用JIT進行編譯,每段程式執行前都會被編譯;為了避免大量和長時間的初始化,可以使用nGen.Net。




Item6 - Prefer 'for' over 'foreach'. (能使用for時儘量不用foreach)

關於這點,就比較值得討論;大部份人測試的結果還是推薦用foreach。而在Effective C#一書中,也以foreach優先。


[C#]Effective C# 條款十一: 優先採用foreach迴圈



‧Item7 - Prefer the 'as' operator over direct type casting. (轉型時使用as而不直接強制轉型)


object o = 1.3; 
  string str = (string)o; 
catch(InvalidCastException ex){...} 

string str = o as string;
if(null != str){...} 

[C#]Effective C# 條款三: 運算子is或as優於強制轉型

‧Item8 - Use the 'checked' keyword to avoid overflow. (使用checked關鍵字來避免溢位)



‧Item9 - Use the 'is' operator before casting. (在強制轉型時先使用is判斷)


public class Preson{int nAge;} 

static void main(object o){
  try {
    (Person)o.nAge = 45;
  catch(InvalidCastException ex){...}

static void func(object o)
  if ( true == (o is Person) )
    (Person)o.nAge = 45;

‧Item10 - Use Explicit interface to 'hide' the implementation of an interface. (請看回覆討論)

//interface definition
Public interface IChild{
  bool IsHuman();
  void lie();

//class definition
Pubic Pinocchio: IChild {
  IChild.IsHuman() //explicit interface implementation
  public void Lie(); //regular interface implementation

//using the object
static void main()
  // Visual studio will not display
  // the isHuman mwthod in the intellisence.
  Pinocchio o = new Pinocchio();
  ((IChild) o).IsHuman(); // using the IsHuman method explicitly.


‧Item11 - Use @ to ease the work with literal paths.(使用@在宣告路徑時更便利)


//Old way
string sFilePath = "c:\\a\\b\\c.txt";
string aaa = "aa\r\nbb";    

//The C# way
string sFilePath = @"c:\a\b\c.txt";
string aaa = @"aa


‧Item12 - Make your API assembly CLS compliant.(以 CLSCompliant 標記組件)

Common Language Specification (CLS) 會定義命名限制、資料型別及組件必須遵守的規則 (如果組件會使用於跨程式設計語言時)。
良好的設計會要求所有組件使用 CLSCompliantAttribute 明確表示 CLS 標準的符合性。如果該屬性未出現於組件中,則表示組件不符合 CSL 標準。

MSDN: 以 CLSCompliant 標記組件

using System; 

namespace DesignLibrary {} 


‧Item13 - Define destructor and implement IDisposable interface for classes that use native resources directly.

如果你的物件使用了較多的外部資源,記得定義解構式及實作 Dispose 方法,以避免浪費資源。


‧Item14 - Avoid the use of GC.Collect (避免使用GC.Collect方法)



.NET Framework記憶體回收機制


‧Item15 - Use StructLayout attribute, for classes and structs, when using COM Interop.

在引用非.Net的外部元件,尤其是會牽涉到記憶體的元件,請使用 [StruckLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]來控制實際配置位置

MSDN:StructLayoutAttribute 類別

[API]調用 Win32 API DLL (二)


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