[讀書筆記 ]Stephens' C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 24-Hour Trainer 第二十八章

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Chapter 28 Making Generic Classes.
本章將介紹泛型類別(Generic Classes),在十六章曾經介紹集合類別如List,在該章還提過泛型類別的優點:程式碼再利用與指定型別檢查
(specific type checking)。詳細資料請參考微軟網頁
        class TreeNode<T>
TreeNode<string> rootNode = new TreeNode<string>();
        public class Matcher<T1, T2>
Matcher<Employee, Job> jobAssigner = new Matcher<Employee, Job>();
Using Generic Constraints
To use as generic constraint, follow the noremal class declaration with the keyword where, the name of the type parameter that you want to constrain, a colon, and the constraint. Some typical conconstraint include:
  • A class from which the type must inherit
  • An interface (or interfaces) that the type must implement
  • new() to indicate that the type must provide a parameterless constructor
  • struct to inficate that the type must be a value type such as the built-in value types(int, bool) or a structure
  • class to indicate that the type must be a reference type
Separate multiple constraints for the same type parameter with commas.
if you want to constrain more than one type parameter, place a new where clause on a new line.
For example, the following code defines the generic Matcher class, whick takes two generic type parameter T1 and T2.
    // This version demonstrates some constraints.
    public class Matcher<T1, T2>
        where T1 : IComparable<T2>, new()
        where T2 : new()
        private void test()
            T1 t1 = new T1();
            T2 t2 = new T2();
            if (t1.CompareTo(t2) < 0)
                // t1 is "less than" t2.
The first constraint requires that type parameter T1 implement the IComparable interface for the type T2 so the code can compare T1 objects to T2 objects. The next constraint requires that the T1 type also provide a parameterless constructor. You can see that the code creates a new T1 object and uses its CompareTo method(which defined by IComparable).
The seond where clause requires that the type T2 also provide a parameterless constructor. The code needs that because it also creates a new T2 instance.
In general you should use as few constraints as possible because that makes your class usable in as many circumstances as possible. If your code won't need to create new instances of a data type, don't use the new constraint. If your code won't need to compare objects, don't use the ICompareable constraint.
    public List<T> Alternates<T>(List<T> list)
        //Make a new list to hold the results.
        List<T> newList = new List<T>();
        return newList;
Alternate方法使用了泛型參數T,It takes as a reqular parameter a List that holds items of type T and it returns a new List containing items of type T.
List<string> strings = new List<string>(stringTextBox.Text.Split(''));
List<string> alternatedStrings = Alternate<string>(string);
alternatedStringsTextBox.Text = string.Join(" ", alternatedStrings);
Generic methods can be quite useful for the same reasons that generic classes are. They allow code reuse without the extra hassle of converting values to and from the non-specific object class. They also perform type checking, so in this example, the program cannot try to alternate a List<int> by calling Alternate<string>.
TRY IT中以Randomizer程式示範如何撰寫泛型類別進行亂數排序的過程