FS4SP :: crawleradmin.exe and related reference

FS4SP :: crawleradmin.exe and related reference

Crawleradmin.exe reference

To add or update the crawler with a collection configuration:

%FASTSEARCH%\bin\crawleradmin -f MyCrawlCollectionConfig.xml

To remove a collection from the crawler:

%FASTSEARCH%\bin\crawleradmin -d MyCollection

To suspend crawling of a collection:

%FASTSEARCH%\bin\crawleradmin --suspendcollection MyCollection

To add a URI to a collection for crawling:

%FASTSEARCH%\bin\crawleradmin --adduri MyCollection:http://www.contoso.com/

To show statistics for a crawl collection:

%FASTSEARCH%\bin\crawleradmin -q MyCollection

To show statistics for a specific site in a crawl collection:

%FASTSEARCH%\bin\crawleradmin --sitestats MyCollection:www.contoso.com

To temporarily block the www.contoso.com site from being crawled for 1 hour (even if the site is currently being crawled):

%FASTSEARCH%\bin\crawleradmin --quarantine MyCollection:www.contoso.com:3600

To show the status for all collections in the crawler:

%FASTSEARCH%\bin\crawleradmin --status

Web Crawler XML configuration reference

When you issue an Index Reset, the reset does not remove documents from the FAST Search Server 2010 Index

  • Clear-FASTSearchContentCollection 讓 front-end 和 back-end sync 是整個 collection

Remove URLs from search results (FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint)