Every night I would tuck him in and 15 minutes later

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every night I would tuck him in and 15 minutes later

They smoked out of habit and to relax. Often people start frantically trying to find a new behavior which often ends up being as bad as the old behavior (eating instead of smoking for example). So, the first step is to tell the children what the rules are."

Well, that was his first in—or out as the case may be. If you have ever been employed, you have probably received performance objectives. Therefore, make a list of expectations. Make a list of consequences---What will be lost and for how long.

Before I knew it, every night I would tuck him in and 15 minutes later he would be up going potty---even if he went right before bed. Yes, I am a believer in time out, but it has to be done correctly.We often hear that good parenting means consistency and discipline, but rarely does anyone ever stop to explain what that means.

For example, if my son behaves inappropriately, we put him in time-out for 5 minutes, and explain to him that we are taking away his computer games for 48 hours. They are very me-oriented. Repeatedly bringing it up will just shame the child and will not improve your results.