



Ctrl + N:Go To Everything 定位到任何,非常强大。

Ctrl + Shift + N:Go To File 定位到文件。

Ctrl + F12:Go To File Member 在目前文件尋找。

一、Extract Method


    class MyClass
        public void Main()
            string id  ="test";
            string name = "eddie";
            // alt + enter -> extract method
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World! id=" + id + " name=" + name );

  class MyClass
      public void Main()
          string id  ="test";
          string name = "eddie";
          // alt + enter -> extract method
          PrintInfo(id, name);


      private static void PrintInfo(string id, string name)
          Console.WriteLine("Hello World! id=" + id + " name=" + name);

二、InLine Method


    class MyClass
        public void Main()
            string id = "test";
            string name = "eddie";
            // alt + enter -> extract method
            //在 PrintInfo的P前面選擇Ctrl + Shift + R  在選擇Inline Method
            PrintInfo(id, name);

        private static void PrintInfo(string id, string name)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World! id=" + id + " name=" + name);
  class MyClass
      public void Main()
          string id = "test";
          string name = "eddie";
          // alt + enter -> extract method
          //在 PrintInfo的P前面選擇Ctrl + Shift + R  在選擇Inline Method
          Console.WriteLine("Hello World! id=" + id + " name=" + name);

三:InLine Variable



 class MyClass
     public void Main()
         int qty = 5;
         double amount = 0.0;
         //在price p 前面ctrl+shift+R 選Inline Variable
         double price = GetPrice();
         if (price > 1000)
             amount = price * qty;
             amount = qty * 1000;

     private double GetPrice()
         return 100000.0;
 public void Main()
     int qty = 5;
     double amount = 0.0;
     //在price p 前面ctrl+shift+R 選Inline Variable
     if (GetPrice() > 1000)
         amount = GetPrice() * qty;
         amount = qty * 1000;

 private double GetPrice()
     return 100000.0;

四:Replace Temp With Query


  class MyClass
      public double basePrice = 1000.0;
      public void Main()
          int qty = 5;
          double price = 0.0;
          double amount = 0.0;
          var product = new Product();
          product.Name = "Product 1";
          product.Price = 10000.0;
          //Step1 Extract Method  將If Else 提煉成一個Method 叫做GetPrice
          //Step2 Inline Temp 將price變數移除

          //Step1 在if判斷轉換運算子
          //Step2 Extract Method  將運算子提取Method 叫做GetPrice
          //Step3 Inline Temp 將price變數移除
          if (product.Price > basePrice)
              price = product.Price;
              price = basePrice;
          amount = price * qty;


  class Product
      public string Name { get; set; }
      public double Price { get; set; }
  class MyClass
      public double basePrice = 1000.0;
      public void Main()
          int qty = 5;
          double amount = 0.0;
          var product = new Product();
          product.Name = "Product 1";
          product.Price = 10000.0;
          //Step1 Extract Method  將If Else 提煉成一個Method 叫做GetPrice
          //Step2 Inline Temp 將price變數移除

          //Step1 在if判斷轉換運算子
          //Step2 Extract Method  將運算子提取Method 叫做GetPrice
          //Step3 Inline Temp 將price變數移除
          amount = GetPrice(product) * qty;

      private double GetPrice(Product product)
          return product.Price > basePrice ? product.Price : basePrice;

五、Introduce Explaining Variable


public class Product
    public decimal CalculateTotalPrice(int quantity, decimal unitPrice)
    	//Step1 1.2m 區塊 CTRL+Shirt+R使用Intrduce Variable
    	//Step2 提取出來部分取名有意義的變數,叫做Tax
        return quantity * unitPrice * 1.2m; // 20% tax
  public decimal CalculateTotalPrice(int quantity, decimal unitPrice)
      var tax = 1.2m;
      return quantity * unitPrice * tax; // 20% tax


六、Split Temporary Variable


public class LegacyShoppingCart
    public double CalculateTotalAmount(double itemPrice, int quantity)
        double temp = itemPrice * quantity;


        Console.WriteLine($"Total Amount: {temp}");

        temp = temp * 1.1;


        Console.WriteLine($"Total Amount after tax: {temp}");

        return temp;
    public class LegacyShoppingCart
        public double CalculateTotalAmount(double itemPrice, int quantity)
            //Step2 :Extract method - method Name: CalculateBaseAmount
            //Step6 :ReName: baseAmount
            double baseAmount = CalculateBaseAmount(itemPrice, quantity);
            Console.WriteLine($"Total Amount: {baseAmount}");
            //Step1 :Extract method - method Name: CalculateTotalAmountWithTax
            //Step3 :InLine variable 在temp游標前
            //Step4 :Indroduce variable - CalculateTotalAmountWithTax(temp)
            //Step5 :ReName:totalAmount 
            var totalAmount = CalculateTotalAmountWithTax(baseAmount);
            Console.WriteLine($"Total Amount after tax: {totalAmount}");

            return totalAmount;

        private static double CalculateBaseAmount(double itemPrice, int quantity)
            return itemPrice * quantity;

        private static double CalculateTotalAmountWithTax(double temp)
            return temp * 1.1;

七:Remove Assignments to Parameters


 class LegacyMemberRegistration
     public void RegisterMember(string username, string password)
         // Validate the input
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
             Console.WriteLine("Invalid username or password");

         ProcessRegistration(username, password);
         //Step1 Encrypt-> Indroduce variable -> ReName: encryptedUsername
         username = Encrypt(username);
         //Step2 HashPassword-> Indroduce variable -> ReName: hashedPassword 
         password = HashPassword(password);
         //Step3 update username -> encryptedUsername  
         //Step4 update password -> hashedPassword
         Console.WriteLine($"Registered member with username: {username}, hashed password: {password}");

     private void ProcessRegistration(string username, string password)
         Console.WriteLine($"Processing registration for {username}");

     private string Encrypt(string data)
         Console.WriteLine($"Encrypting data: {data}");
         return "EncryptedData";

     private string HashPassword(string password)
         Console.WriteLine($"Hashing password: {password}");
         return "HashedPassword";
  class LegacyMemberRegistration
      public void RegisterMember(string username, string password)
          // Validate the input
          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
              Console.WriteLine("Invalid username or password");

          ProcessRegistration(username, password);
          //Step1 Encrypt-> Indroduce variable -> ReName: encryptedUsername
          var encryptedUsername = Encrypt(username);
          //Step2 HashPassword-> Indroduce variable -> ReName: hashedPassword 
          var hashedPassword = HashPassword(password);
          //Step3 update username -> encryptedUsername  
          //Step4 update password -> hashedPassword
          Console.WriteLine($"Registered member with username: {encryptedUsername}, hashed password: {hashedPassword}");

      private void ProcessRegistration(string username, string password)
          Console.WriteLine($"Processing registration for {username}");

      private string Encrypt(string data)
          Console.WriteLine($"Encrypting data: {data}");
          return "EncryptedData";

      private string HashPassword(string password)
          Console.WriteLine($"Hashing password: {password}");
          return "HashedPassword";

八:Replace Method with method Object


using System;

public class LegacyCalculator
    public void PerformCalculation(double operand1, double operand2, string operation)
        // 複雜的計算邏輯
        double result = 0.0;

        switch (operation)
            case "+":
                result = operand1 + operand2;
            case "-":
                result = operand1 - operand2;
            case "*":
                result = operand1 * operand2;
            case "/":
                result = operand1 / operand2;
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid operation");

        // 其他邏輯...
        Console.WriteLine($"Result of {operand1} {operation} {operand2} = {result}");

class Program
    static void Main()
        // 使用遺留程式碼
        LegacyCalculator calculator = new LegacyCalculator();
        calculator.PerformCalculation(5, 3, "+");
        calculator.PerformCalculation(8, 2, "-");

步驟一:建立 CalculatorMethodObject類別

public class CalculatorMethodObject
    private double operand1;
    private double operand2;
    private string operation;

    public CalculatorMethodObject(double operand1, double operand2, string operation)
        this.operand1 = operand1;
        this.operand2 = operand2;
        this.operation = operation;

    public void PerformCalculation()
        // 原本的計算邏輯
        double result = 0.0;

        switch (operation)
            case "+":
                result = operand1 + operand2;
            case "-":
                result = operand1 - operand2;
            case "*":
                result = operand1 * operand2;
            case "/":
                result = operand1 / operand2;
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid operation");

        // 其他邏輯...
        Console.WriteLine($"Result of {operand1} {operation} {operand2} = {result}");


public class LegacyCalculator
    public void PerformCalculation(double operand1, double operand2, string operation)
        // 使用 Method Object 進行計算
        CalculatorMethodObject methodObject = new CalculatorMethodObject(operand1, operand2, operation);

class Program
    static void Main()
        // 使用遺留程式碼
        LegacyCalculator calculator = new LegacyCalculator();
        calculator.PerformCalculation(5, 3, "+");
        calculator.PerformCalculation(8, 2, "-");

九、Substitute Algorithm



    static string FindPerson(List<string> person)
        foreach (var name in person)
            if (name == "Don")
                return "Don";
            else if (name == "John")
                return "John";
            else if (name == "Kent")
                return "Kent";
        return "";

    static void Main()
        List<string> personList = new List<string> { "John", "Jane", "Kent" };
        string result = FindPerson(personList);
        Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);
    static string FindPerson(List<string> person)
        List<string> perList = new List<string> { "Don", "John", "Kent" };

        foreach (var name in person)
            if (perList.Contains(name))
                return name;
        return "";

    static void Main()
        List<string> personList = new List<string> { "John", "Jane", "Kent" };
        string result = FindPerson(personList);
        Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);

