Ubuntu 10.04 eeebox 無線網卡 連不上 (Ubuntu wriless)

摘要:Ubuntu 10.04 eeebox 無線網卡 連不上 (Ubuntu wriless)

如題,Ubuntu10.04在某些無線網卡會有問題,安迪兒剛好在eeebox b203上 碰到了= =|

狀況:找的到AP 但一直連不上 ,或是連個100次終於連上了,但連上沒一陣就斷線了(狂毆電腦)



但安迪兒後來第二次再灌ubuntu 10.04時就心想,幹嘛一定要用WPA PSK TKIP 之類的,又慢(54M)還到不了11.2n

換了一下AP的設定用WPA2 AES ,一切的問題就解決了(當初的堅持是為了什麼吶T.T)

ubuntu 也不用設啥,速度又比以前更快(100M),真是鬼打牆


有興趣改drive或是只能支援到WPA PSK TKIP的同好,也附上我修改的參考來源


Step 1
Download latest RT2860 driver source code from Ralink

Go to http://www.ralinktech.com/
Klick on Software
Klick on Linux
Download the driver „RT2860PCI/mPCI/CB/PCIe(RT2760/RT2790/RT2860/RT2890)“ dated 01/29/2010, version
You need to enter a name and an email and press accept to download

Step 2
Open and extract the downloaded file to your Home directory. Accept the standard folder and to not change the name

Open a terminal window
cd 2010*

Step 3
gedit ./os/linux/config.mk

Use the find command to locate HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT and make sure it is set to y for yes. It should look like this when finished:

Use the find command to locate HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT and make sure it is set to y for yes. It should look like this when finished:

Close and save this file.

Step 4
gedit ./common/cmm_wpa.c
You will get a message that the character encoding was not recognised, choose „Western“ and press „Retry“

Use the find command to locate MIX_CIPHER_NOTUSE. Replace the entire line (keep on one line) with this code:

Step 5
Now we need to compile a new module, in order to do so we first need to instal gcc and we need a network connection for that. So now you either need a wired or 3G connection to the internet.

Go to System
Go to Administration
Klick Synaptic Package Manager
Look for „gcc“ and choose it to be installed

After successfully installing gcc please execute the following commands step by step in a terminal window.

sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo rmmod rt2860sta

Step 6
Rename the old rt2860sta.ko driver file to rt2860sta.ko.dist using:

sudo mv /lib/modules/2.6.*/kernel/drivers/staging/rt2860/rt2860sta.ko rt2860sta.ko.dist

Attention: you need to replace the * with the actual directory name of your kernel, please check the folder name with Nautilus.

Step 7
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe rt2860sta

After you issue the previous command you should see the Desktop top panel wireless icon come to life as it tries to connect. You will be prompted for a WPA password. Give it a little while and it should connect.

Not sure this command is necessary but you can use if the Wireless isn’t started automatically.
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

Step 8
Okay at this point you have made a lot of progress and should be happily surfing.

But, and this is a biggie, what happens if you reboot? Unfortunately, you are back at square one without the RT2860 driver being loaded after a reboot. To remedy this situation, continue with step 9.

Step 9
Open a terminal window
cd 2010*
cd os
cd linux
sudo cp rt2860sta.ko /lib/modules/2.6.*/kernel/drivers/staging/rt2860/ 

Attention: you need to replace the * with the actual directory name of your kernel, same as step 6

Step 10
Update your modules boot file with the following command:

gksudo gedit /etc/modules

Add the „rt2860sta“ on a line at the end of the file and close and save the file.

Step 11
Reboot and check to see that you are now automatically connecting to your wireless network!