


<s:Label x="117" y="213" text="{strType}" id="lblType" />


Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to xxxController



ref:reference url

Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to “SOME_STATIC_VARIABLE”.

By mitek

If you want to bind in MXML to some static variable compiler will warn you that data changes to the value will be unnoticed with the following warning:
Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to "SOME_STATIC_VARIABLE".

I don’t like compiler errors and don’t like compiler warnings as well. So, to avoid this warning you can do the following:

Instead of:

    <mx:TextInput enabled="{iUserAccessId == GLOBAL.m_iAllowTextInput}" />

you can do this:

            private var iCanEdit:uint = GLOBAL.g_iAllowTextInput;
    <mx:TextInput enabled="{iUserAccessId == iCanEdit}" />