Microsoft .NET Framework 4 的更新 4.0.2

摘要:Microsoft .NET Framework 4 的更新 4.0.2

前陣子已有Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Preview釋出來,沒想到,在4.0的版本,在前幾天也有釋出更新的版本來了!



AlwaysOn support in SqlClient

New 4.0.2 feature

SQL Server Express Local Database Runtime support in SqlClient

New 4.0.2 feature

StateMachine (including designer support)

Existing 4.0.1 feature

SqlWorkflowInstanceStore on SQL Azure

Existing 4.0.1 feature

Compensation for custom hosts

Existing 4.0.1 feature

Note that we did not make any changes to the features that were shipped in Update 4.0.1.



Microsoft .NET Framework 4 的更新 4.0.2 – Visual Studio 2010 SP1 設計階段更新 (KB2544525)


  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 的更新 4.0.2 – 執行階段更新 (KB2544514)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.2 的多目標套件 (KB2544526)
  • 啟用工作流程狀態機器設計工具的 Visual Studio 2010 SP1 更新 (KB2495593)


Microsoft .NET Framework 4 的更新 4.0.2 – 執行階段更新 (KB2544514)


附註:如果有裝VS2010 SP1,建議安裝第一個安裝檔即可,除非僅是想更新framework的話,那當然就是安裝第二個安裝檔了!