[Dynamics CRM]無法新建 Entity 的問題

  • 1882
  • 0
  • 2011-10-14

在 Dynamic CRM 無法新建 Entity 的問題

Reference : http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/crmdevelopment/thread/9691b709-bb38-4056-a40e-9e0b58df9e3c

First, re-create the System Cusomizer role by looking at another CRM app that has the role.

Now go in the CRM db for that CRM application.

In the RoleTemplateBase table, copy the RoleTemplateId for the System Customizer record.

Now go to the RoleBase table and paste that guid id in the RoleTemplateId column for every record that has the name: System Customizer.

To make sure that you got them all, run this query:


SELECT [RoleTemplateId],[Name]
FROM [CET_MSCRM].[dbo].[RoleBase]
WHERE Name = 'System Customizer'