[三人成虎] 微軟發現Facebook的邀請函夾帶極具毀滅性的病毒

由於近期來又有多人詢問我這個問題,奇怪耶你! 我怎麼不會是這種網路謠言的第一順位攻擊者呢? 還是這種網路謠言會自動略過我的E-Mail呢? 我想,網路上google一下就知道這個訊息是Hoax(網路謠言),就像是Windows\System32下有一個極可怕的病毒,icon是一隻可愛的小熊! 這種方式主要是為了要達成某種手段,包含有嚇阻的意味! 下列為原文,還有英語能力不錯的人幫忙翻譯了一下,不過,在Jason的眼中看來是破綻百出...

由於近期來又有多人詢問我這個問題,奇怪耶你! 我怎麼不會是這種網路謠言的第一順位攻擊者呢? 還是這種網路謠言會自動略過我的E-Mail呢? 我想,網路上google一下就知道這個訊息是Hoax(網路謠言),就像是Windows\System32下有一個極可怕的病毒,icon是一隻可愛的小熊! 這種方式主要是為了要達成某種手段,包含有嚇阻的意味! 下列為原文,還有英語能力不錯的人幫忙翻譯了一下,不過,在Jason的眼中看來是破綻百出。


In the coming days, you should be aware.....Do not open any message with an attachment called: Invitation FACEBOOK, regardless of who sent it. It is a virus that opens an OlympIc torch that burns the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone you had in your address book. That's why you should send this message to all your contacts. It is better to receive this email 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

If you receive an email called: Invitation FACEBOOK, though sent by a friend, do not open it and delete it immediately. It is the worst virus announced by CNN.

A new virus has been discovered recently that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. It is a Trojan Horse that asks you to install an adobe flash plug-in. Once you install it, it's all over. And there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information of their function is saved.



VIRUS : Do not open a message with an attachment called Invitation Fb regardless of who sent it. It is a virus that opens an Olympic torch and will take the whole hard disk C of your computer. This virus has been received from a friend: Delete the invitation immediately. This VIRUS is classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever, and there is no fix for this yet.PLEASE circulate THIS.

內文的大意是在說,有一隻病毒很強,它是透過別人的通訊錄中的連絡人來散播的,而不小心點開FB 邀請函的人,會被要求下載一個Flash Player的Plug-in,它會導致你中一種超強,強到微軟、CNN都出來證實這極具毀滅性病毒,它會把你硬碟中的第零軌的資料讓你再也開不了機,還提供了一個連結來說明這個核心技術,但是,我們這麼說好,木馬的定義不像國人所說的這麼的廣泛,在正確的用法,木馬是主動的回傳資訊,並不會主動的有任何的動作,而且無法遠端的搖控(可搖控的木馬叫做RAT),不會用木馬這個字眼,再加上我們有一點常識就好了,木馬是生存在系統之上的,它無法跨越系統層的保護直接去將第零軌歸零,再說,即使歸零了,也可以透過一些分割區復原軟體來復原,而更重要的,它是要大家來傳遞這封郵件,告訴大家,有這件事情。



所以! 麥挌問啊!! 這個是網路謠言!

如果 Jason不夠格來證明,那麼請一下高手來證明!

ZDNet http://www.zdnet.com/warning-invitation-facebook-virus-e-mail-is-a-hoax-7000001970/

hoax-slayer http://www.hoax-slayer.com/invitation-fb-virus-hoax.shtml


= = = = = = = = 我 是 分 隔 線= = = = = = = =

為了讓大家知道這個是很久很久以前,有一個公主住在森林裡面等著白馬王子來救的老故事! 下面是2006年的版本!!


You should be alert during the next days: Do not open any message with an attached filed called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it. It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which "burns" the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately.

This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept. SEND THIS E-MAIL TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW, COPY THIS E-MAIL AND SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS AND REMEMBER: IF YOU SEND IT TO THEM, YOU WILL BENEFIT ALL OF US

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