[個人筆記] RESTful WCF 4.0 + AJAX JSONP實現跨域呼叫
之前的.NET WCF 3.0在實現REST很痛苦,到3.5的時候,微軟特別發布了一個 WCF REST Starter Kit 套件,讓開發人員可以利用 WCF 3.5 開發 REST-based 應用程式。在 WCF 4.0 中,WCF 的核心已經融入了 REST Starter Kit 中的 URL 引擎,使用了類似MVC Routing來配置URL導向,雖然說現在開發已經非常容易上手,但在跨域呼叫時仍遇到些問題,本文紀錄開發過程與需注意細節。
※透過線上範本建立WCF REST Service
- 少了svc文件,完全透過URL Routing來配置訪問路徑
- 透過在Global.asax中配置類似ASP.NET的Routing來進行URL重定向
public class Global : HttpApplication { void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegisterRoutes(); } private void RegisterRoutes() { // Edit the base address of Service1 by replacing the "Service1" string below RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("Service1", new WebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(Service1))); } }
web.config因為WCF Simple Configuration而大幅度的簡化了。
因為已經融入了 REST Starter Kit 中的 URL 引擎與UriTemplate 整合進來,讓 Operation Contract 的方法可以由 URL 來指定,如同模板內建的service1.cs
[ServiceContract] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)] public class Service1 { // GET /Service1/ [WebGet(UriTemplate = "")] public List<SampleItem> GetCollection() { return new List<SampleItem>() { new SampleItem() { Id = 1, StringValue = "Hello" } }; } // POST /Service1/ [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "", Method = "POST")] public SampleItem Create(SampleItem instance) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // GET /Service1/100 [WebGet(UriTemplate = "{id}")] public string Get(string id) { return "welcome"; } // PUT /Service1/100 [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "{id}", Method = "PUT")] public SampleItem Update(string id, SampleItem instance) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // DELETE /Service1/100 [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "{id}", Method = "DELETE")] public void Delete(string id) { // TODO: Remove the instance of SampleItem with the given id from the collection throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
- 類別中添加[JavascriptCallbackBehavior(UrlParameterName="callback")]
- web.config的 standardEndpoint 添加 crossDomainScriptAccessEnabled="true"
A Guide to Designing and Building RESTful Web Services with WCF 3.5
A Developer's Guide to the WCF REST Starter Kit
Introducing Windows Communication Foundation in .NET Framework 4
WCF REST Service with JSON Data
[VS2010] WCF 4.0 新功能 (1): 簡易組態 (Simple Configuration)