Using Global Hotkeys

Using Global Hotkeys


參考 Beginner's Tutorial - Using global hotkeys

  1. Register HotKey
    	HWND hWnd,         // window to receive hot-key notification
    	int id,            // identifier of hot key
    	UINT fsModifiers,  // key-modifier flags
    	UINT vk            // virtual-key code
    //ex1 : ATL+SHIFT+P
    RegisterHotKey(hWndA, 100, MOD_ALT | MOD_SHIFT, 'P');
    //ex2: WIN+R
    RegisterHotKey(hWndA, 200, MOD_WIN, 'R');

    注意:若註冊已存在之熱鍵,此函數會傳回 false
  2. Handling the hot key
    LRESULT OnHotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
    //wParam = identifier
  3. Un-registering hotkeys
       HWND hWnd,  // window associated with hot key
       int id      // identifier of hot key
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