Lucene.Net 實作建議字搜尋

摘要:Lucene.Net 實作建議字搜尋

Lucene.Net 有一 Contrib  Library  ,  SpellChecker


它提供搜尋建議的功能 , 例如下面的範例 , 


例如我們在 Google 輸入 apach , 可是實際正確的字串應該要是 apache


目前顯示的是以下字詞的搜尋結果: apache
您可以改回搜尋: apach


若要取得 Library 可到 網址 , 其可透過 Visual Studio 2010 的 Package Manager Console 下載



Step 1 : Build RAMDirectory 


  RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory();



Step 2 : Build Index :


我們在 Line 4 and Line 9 建立了 text 欄位 , 並且設定 value 為  "this is a writen writing with  some words"


        IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(dir, new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30), IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED);

        Document d = new Document();
        Field textField = new Field("text", "", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED);
        Field idField = new Field("id", "", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED);

        textField.SetValue("this is a writen writing with a some words");



Step 3 : Search


我們在 Line 2 宣告了 SpellChecker , 而 SpellChecker 會搜尋自己獨立出來的 Index 儲存體 ,


在這裡我們直接讓他儲存在記憶體中 , 而在 Line 4 ,我們想要找出跟 write 相似的字串 , 並且只要回傳 5 個字串就好


 IndexReader reader = iw.GetReader();
        SpellChecker.Net.Search.Spell.SpellChecker speller = new SpellChecker.Net.Search.Spell.SpellChecker(new RAMDirectory());
        speller.IndexDictionary(new LuceneDictionary(reader, "text"));
        string[] suggestions = speller.SuggestSimilar("write", 5);

        IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
        foreach (string suggestion in suggestions)

            Response.Write(suggestion + "


Result : 




接下來我們就來探討它是怎麼判斷相似的字串 ,  使用 ILSpy 來查看其原始碼 :


首先來查看 SuggestSimilar 方法 , 特別是在 Line 46 中使用了一個 GetDistance 方法 


public virtual string[] SuggestSimilar(string word, int numSug, IndexReader ir, string field, bool morePopular)
	IndexSearcher indexSearcher = this.ObtainSearcher();
	string[] result;
		float min = this.minScore;
		int lengthWord = word.Length;
		int freq = (ir != null && field != null) ? ir.DocFreq(new Term(field, word)) : 0;
		int goalFreq = (morePopular && ir != null && field != null) ? freq : 0;
		if (!morePopular && freq > 0)
			result = new string[]
			BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();
			HashSet alreadySeen = new HashSet();
			for (int ng = this.GetMin(lengthWord); ng <= this.GetMax(lengthWord); ng++)
				string key = "gram" + ng;
				string[] grams = SpellChecker.FormGrams(word, ng);
				if (grams.Length != 0)
					SpellChecker.Add(query, "start" + ng, grams[0], 2f);
					SpellChecker.Add(query, "end" + ng, grams[grams.Length - 1], 1f);
					for (int i = 0; i < grams.Length; i++)
						SpellChecker.Add(query, key, grams[i]);
			int maxHits = 10 * numSug;
			ScoreDoc[] hits = indexSearcher.Search(query, null, maxHits).ScoreDocs;
			SuggestWordQueue sugQueue = new SuggestWordQueue(numSug);
			int stop = Math.Min(hits.Length, maxHits);
			SuggestWord sugWord = new SuggestWord();
			for (int j = 0; j < stop; j++)
				sugWord.termString = indexSearcher.Doc(hits[j].Doc).Get("word");
				if (!sugWord.termString.Equals(word))
					sugWord.score =, sugWord.termString);
					if (sugWord.score >= min)
						if (ir != null && field != null)
							sugWord.freq = ir.DocFreq(new Term(field, sugWord.termString));
							if ((morePopular && goalFreq > sugWord.freq) || sugWord.freq < 1)
								goto IL_21E;
						if (alreadySeen.Add(sugWord.termString))
							if (sugQueue.Size() == numSug)
								min = sugQueue.Top().score;
							sugWord = new SuggestWord();
			string[] list = new string[sugQueue.Size()];
			for (int k = sugQueue.Size() - 1; k >= 0; k--)
				list[k] = sugQueue.Pop().termString;
			result = list;
	return result;


我們來看看 Lucene.Net API 如何描述這個方法 

Returns a float between 0 and 1 based on how similar the specified strings are to one another. Returning a value of 1 means the specified strings are identical and 0 means the string are maximally different


從這描述可以知道它會判斷兩字串是否相似 ,  而 GetDistance 其實是一個介面 , 它的實作被定義在


JaroWinklerDistance , NGramDistance , LevenshteinDistance 這三個 class 裡面


從這三個 class 的名稱可以知道分別是三種演算法 ,


 Jaro–Winkler distance , n-gram distance , Levenshtein distance 


這三種演算法特別用在 短 字串中用來判斷兩字串是否相似 , 


有興趣的可以去這些 class 裡研究研究