數字轉國字格式-Crystal Reports公式 (Crystal Reports)
數字轉換成支票格式的國字 銷售報表還蠻常看到的
先於公式欄式 新增公式名稱 num_chinese
選擇basic語法 (非公式專家模式)
輸入以下程式碼 儲存
Dim intPos As Number
Dim intI As Number
Dim intLength As Number
Dim strChaneseNo As String
Dim strCardinal1 As String
Dim strCardinal2 As String
Dim strTotal As String
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strX As String
strTotal = Cstr({pssales.Total_amt})
intPos = Instr(strTotal, ",")
While intPos > 1
strTemp = strTemp & Left(strTotal, intPos-1)
strTotal = Mid(strTotal, intPos + 1)
intPos = Instr(strTotal, ",")
strTotal = strTemp & strTotal
if Instr(strTotal,".") > 1 Then
strTotal = Mid(strTotal, 1, Len(strTotal) -3)
end if
strChaneseNo = "零壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖"
strCardinal1 = " 拾佰仟 拾佰仟 拾佰仟 拾佰仟"
strCardinal2 = "圓萬億兆"
intLength = Len(strTotal)
For intI = 1 To intLength Step 1
If Val(Mid(strTotal, intI, 1)) = 0 AND (Val(Mid(strTotal, intI+1, 1)) = 0 Or (intLength - intI + 1 ) Mod 4 = 1) Then
strX = strX & ""
strX = strX & Mid(strChaneseNo, Val(Mid(strTotal, intI, 1)) +1 , 1)
End If
If (intLength - intI + 1) Mod 4 = 1 Or Val(Mid(strTotal, intI, 1)) = 0 Then
strX=strX & ""
strX = strX & Mid(strCardinal1, (intLength - intI + 1), 1)
End If
If (intLength - intI + 1) Mod 4 = 1 Then
strX = strX & Mid(strCardinal2, (intLength - intI + 1) \ 4 + 1, 1)
If IntI > 3 And (IntLength - IntI + 1) > 1 Then
If Mid(strTotal,intI - 3, 4) = "0000" Then
strX = Left(strX, Len(strX) - 1)
End if
End If
End If
Formula = strX & "整"
如有錯誤 歡迎指正