
  • 124
  • 0
  • 2021-06-08



  1. 第一階,先取得AC、AB、CD的關聯
  2. 第二階,再取得ABC、ACD
  3. 第三階,最大集合ABCD
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#T') is not null
	drop table #T

create table #T (ID varchar(10),TEL varchar(10))

insert into #T(ID,TEL)
select 'A','123'
union select 'A','124'
union select 'B','124'
union select 'B','125'
union select 'C','123'
union select 'C','126'
union select 'D','126'
union select 'D','127'
union select 'E','128'
union select 'E','129'
union select 'F','130'
union select 'F','131'
union select 'G','131'
union select 'G','132'

select * from #T

;WITH TAB (ID, LV) as --第一階
	select A.ID,case when B.ID is null then A.ID else B.ID end as LV 
	from #T A
	left join #T B
	on A.TEL = B.TEL
	and B.ID <> A.ID
,RESULT as --第二、三階
	select A.ID,A.LV,B.LV as LV1,C.LV as LV2
	from TAB A
	left join TAB B
	on A.LV=B.ID
	and A.ID<>B.ID
	left join TAB C
	on C.ID=B.LV
	and A.ID<>C.ID
,RESULT2 as --三階聯集取最大
	select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by ID order by LV desc) sn
	from (
		select ID,LV from RESULT 
		select ID,LV1 from RESULT 
		select ID,LV2 from RESULT 
		) T
select * from RESULT2 where sn=1