
erp icx session limit timeout

  • ICX Timeout Profile Values (Oracle ERP逾時設定)




ICX:Session Timeout


30 (minutes)

ICX: Limit Time

4 (hours)

4 (hours)

ICX: Limit Connect




·  ICX:Session Timeout  : 使用者閒置多久沒有作動,就自行將其登出之設定,就是所謂的 Idle time.

  (This profile option determines the length of time (in minutes) of inactivity in a user's form session before the session is disabled.  Note that disabled does not mean terminated or killed.  The user is provided the opportunity to re-authenticate and re-enable their timed-out session. If the re-authentication is successful, the disabled session is re-enabled and no work is lost. Otherwise, the session is terminated without saving pending work.  This functionality is available via Patch 2012308 (included in 11.5.7, FND.E).  Note: Setting the profile value to greater than 30 minutes can drain the JVM resources and cause ‘out of memory’ errors.)

·  ICX: Limit time : 最大連線時間.

  (This profile option defines the maximum connection time for a connection – regardless of user activity.  If 'ICX:Session Timeout' is set to NULL, then the session will last only as long as 'ICX: Limit Time', regardless of user activity.  )

· ICX: Limit connect : 最大連線數

  (This profile option defines the maximum number of connection requests a user can make in a single session. Note that other EBS internal checks will generate connection requests during a user session, so it is not just user activity that can increment the count. )