摘要:[APP] Miss Reminder / 記物少女 限時免費活動
Miss Reminder / 記物少女
Do you often forget things you already had and bought it again? Or some items just went of date because you neglect the expiration date? It will be such a pity if these consequences really happen. iReminder is an useful assistant to help you keep a record of what you purchased. The function introduction is in the following:
- Items Catalogue help you classify different things at full blast.
- The Favorite label let you check through important items rapidly.
- Having a photo of the item makes you recall the thing easily.
- Custom notification makes sure you will have enough time to handle the products.
- 項目分類使您可以有效率地區分品項
- 最愛標籤幫助您快速查看重要物品
- 拍下物品照片讓你更容易回想
- 自定通知日讓你把握有限的時間
如有侵權內容也請您與我反應~謝謝您 :)