Oracle - Use Toad to update the value of Column

摘要:Oracle - Use Toad to update the data of Column

OK. I am cnange to another project that use Oracle Database. 

It's mean I should get use to it. However, It's too much diferent between MSSQL and Oracle.

So I need to record it or I'll forget it.

Today I record how to use Toad to change the value of column. 


There are three way.

[Solution 1]


You can use the hotkey to open this UI.    Press Ctrl and click your table.

You can find there will show a under line on it as below

Then this UI will open. 


[Solution 2]

Use SQL Script to update it.


[Solution 3]

You can bring the rowid. Then You can change it on the UI.

It's like kind of it as below 

select a.rowid,column1 from TableName a


Hope this article can help myself and other people :)