Linux screen設定

摘要:Linux screen設定

修改 screen熱鍵:

檔案位於 ~/.screenrc, 

#start message
startup_message off

# Set hardstatus always on
caption always "%{=u .r} %-w%<%{=ub .Y}%n %t%{=u .r}%+w "
hardstatus on
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= .K} [%l]%<%=%{= .R}@%H %=%{= .m} %Y/%m/%d%{= .M} %0c "

# Set default encoding using utf8
defutf8 on

# Refresh the display when exiting programs
altscreen on

# Dynamic title
shelltitle '$ |bash'

# Disable vbell
vbell off

defscrollback  99999
nonblock on

# Keboard binding

# bind F9 to detach screen session (to background)
bindkey -k k5 focus
bindkey -k k6 remove
bindkey -k k7 displays
bindkey -k k8 lockscreen
bindkey -k k9 detach

bindkey "^[p" prev
bindkey "^[n" next
bindkey "^[w" kill
bindkey "^[t" screen
bindkey "^[s" split
bindkey "^[v" split -v
bindkey "^[q" only