摘要:Microsoft Deployment Agent 無法安裝在Windows Server 2003 上的非官方解決方式
目前最新版的 Microsoft Deployment Agent 2015 已經不支援Windows Server 2003
如果要安裝在Windows Server 2003 上 建議使用Microsoft Deployment Agent 2013
如果一定要在Windows Server 2003上安裝Microsoft Deployment Agent 2015
Alas, Microsoft does not support Deployment Agent on Windows 2003 as of now and it has never been tested. The deployment agent can still be installed manually and there is a really high probability it will work just fine but as I said, this is not supported by Microsoft. If you are interested, here is how the deployment agent can be installed manually:
- Install a deployment agent on a supported OS
- Copy the files from the Release Management 12.0 folder manually to the Windows 2003 server
- Ensure the configuration file of the file copied points to the right server (that should be since the original OS was configured correctly)
- Install the Windows service for the DeploymentAgent.exe manually
- Configure the credentials of the service
- In the Release Management console, add the new deployment agent through the Scan for new option of the servers list.