[.net]瞭解implicit operator隱性轉型

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  • 2016-03-24

[.net]瞭解implicit operator隱性轉型



Currency cur = new Currency(100.50, "$"); 

於是乎微軟就想出了一些又酷又炫(個人是覺得不酷不炫,只是搞的很難懂拉...)的寫法,叫做implicit operator,在new的時候,可以像是下面這樣:

Currency cur = 100; //Currency directly accepts value
//Instantiating currency using currency sign.
Currency cur1 = "€";
cur1.Value = 100;    //Implicit typecasting from number to Currency

cur1 = "☺";
string signSmile = cur1;
cur1 = 777;
decimal amt = cur1;

//What about this
long lCur = cur;    //Implicit typecasting from Currency to long 
decimal dCur = cur; //Implicit type casting from Currency to decimal 



Currency Class內容如下,其中寫法的技巧可以直接看註解:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace TestMongoDBWebForm
    using System;
    using System.Globalization;

/// Summary description for Currency. ///


public class Currency { decimal _value; string _sign; public Currency(decimal value, string sign) { _value = value; _sign = sign; } ///


/// Gets or sets the currency value. ///


public decimal Value { get { return _value; } set { _value = value; } } ///


/// Gets or sets the Currency sign. ///


public string Sign { get { return _sign; } set { _sign = value; } } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0}{1}", Sign, Value); } ///


/// Creates Currency object from string supplied as currency sign. /// New物件的時候,可以直接用string帶入,例如Currency cur1 = "☏" /// 或是重新設定物件的符號時,直接把符號assign給物件也可以,cur1 = "☏" ///


public static implicit operator Currency(string rhs) { Currency c = new Currency(0, rhs); //Internally call Currency constructor return c; } ///


/// Creates a currency object from decimal value. ///


public static implicit operator Currency(decimal rhs) { //NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.CurrencySymbol是當地國家預設的金錢符號 Currency c = new Currency(rhs, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.CurrencySymbol); //Internally call Currency constructor return c; } ///


/// Creates a decimal value from Currency object, used to assign currency to decimal. /// 這個就是可以把Currency物件assign給一個decimal,例如:decimal amt = cur1; ///


public static implicit operator decimal(Currency rhs) { return rhs.Value; } ///


/// Creates a long value from Currency object, used to assign currency to long. ///


public static implicit operator long(Currency rhs) { return (long)rhs.Value; } ///


/// 這個是自己加的 /// 這個就是可以把Currency物件assign給一個string,例如:string mySymbol = cur1; ///


public static implicit operator string(Currency rhs) { return (string)rhs.Sign; } } }


個人覺得implicit operator是為了讓寫法更簡潔拉,如果把這個技巧應用在類別庫,那麼caller可以快速的將簡單類別(ex:string,long,decimal...)直接assign給一個物件












Understanding Implicit Operator Overloading in C#



