[C++][Visual Studio]Visual studio 2010 C++0x new feature: auto
Visual studio 2010為C++的開發人員新增了auto這個C++0x的功能,讓變數宣告時的型態能由編譯器自動判別,自動依照初始值的型態去決定變數的型態,使得複雜的類型宣告能有更簡單的宣告方式。雖然變數的型態是由初始值判斷,但是是編譯時期所作的處理,在編譯到MSIL時就會用正確的型態去替換,故不會影響程式運行的效能,也是型別安全的編程方式。這也就是C#與VB.Net領域在.Net 3.0所提供的區域型別推斷功能。
auto declarator initializer;
使用auto關鍵字宣告變數,宣告的同時需指定初始值,如此編譯器才能從初始值推斷出變數的型別。因此auto不能用來宣告陣列、做為函式的回傳值、方法或 樣板的參數。
// test auto.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
auto x = 1, *y = &x, **z = &y; // Resolves to int.
auto a(2.01), *b (&a); // Resolves to double.
auto c = 'a', *d(&c); // Resolves to char.
auto m = 1, &n = m; // Resolves to int.
map<int,list<string>> mapObj;
map<int,list<string>>::iterator i1 = mapObj.begin();
auto i2 = mapObj.begin();
auto lambda = []()->int
return 0;
return 0;