列出根據Python的Coding Style所合適的.vimrc檔的設定供參考
[Tools] Vim文件比較功能 - vim diff
[C/C++] Swap two integer variables using Macro
摘要:[C/C++] Swap two integer variables using Macro
[Python] 遞迴解 number digital into number pronunciation
摘要:[Python] 遞迴解 number digital into number pronunciation
[Linux] Bash script 讀檔
摘要:[Linux] Bash script 讀檔
[雲端運算] NFS v.s. Object Storage
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- Coud computing
摘要:[雲端運算] NFS v.s. Object Storage
[C/C++] Union型別 (討論在C&C++中的差異)
Union是一種將不同data types儲存在同一個記憶體空間的特殊自訂型別
[C/C++] struct constructor
剛剛在stackoverflow上看到有人問關於C++的struct constructor
[C/C++] Type Casting and Coercion
摘要:[C/C++] Type Casting and Coercion
[Python] 內建函式chr, unichr, ord
摘要:[Python] 內建函式chr, unichr, ord
[C/C++] Redundant Include Guards
[Python] 內建函式filter, map, reduce
摘要:[Python] 內建函式filter, map, reduce
[C/C++] 重載函式 (Overloaded function) - 上
摘要:[C/C++] 重載函式 (Overloaded function) - 上
[Programming] Coding Style Reference
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- Programming
摘要:[Programming] Coding Style Reference
[Tools] strace & ltrace
[Android] 如何實作隱藏APP標題和全螢幕
摘要:[Android] 如何實作去除APP標題和全螢幕
[C#/.NET] 取得網路介面相關資訊
[Android] 關於LayoutInflater類別
[Linux] Control Keys
Linux的terminal都會提供一些控制鍵(Control Keys)給User操作Linux OS。
[Java] 關於getter與setter
在學習物件導向程式語言的時候,每個人一定都有寫到getter與setter的經驗。所謂的getter以及setter是用來作為物件的私有(private)變數或屬性(field)的公用存取介面(public access interface)
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