[Info]IE8 RC1 Released

[Info]IE8 RC1 Released


·ClickJacking protection. 

The SmartScreen Filter now includes the ability to help detect and prevent “ClickJacking” which is a malicious technique of tricking web users into revealing confidential information or taking control of their computer.


Helps to protect user’s data and privacy from being retained “locally” on a PC. InPrivate Browsing and InPrivate Filtering can now be used independently.

·Performance improvements.

Reduces the time that users must wait when starting the browser, opening a “new tab”, or loading a page.


·User interface and experience updates.

There have been several user interface changes to help ensure a better user experience.




因為目前沒有提供Windows 2003的繁體中文版,所以我下載英文版的來嘗鮮看看,目前看起來應該還有一些問題沒有解決。

(像是我先前專案的Menu,在IE8 beta2 以及 RC1 中,是一片白茫茫的內容..囧rz),但是瀏覽速度明顯有增快。



繁體中文版下載:Windows XP適用Windows Vista/2008適用



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