[Info]Silverlight 2 GDR1 release...
新版的run-time 跟 dev tool可以參考下列連結:
(若你原本有安裝developer tools,請先更新tools,才能安裝runtime更新)
Here is a list of the main changes in the GDR (build 2.0.40115.0):
- Fixes problems that were caused by Silverlight and McAfee scanning tools interactions
- UI automation stability fixes, including:
- graceful failures when attempting to use features that require .Net Framework 3.0 or 3.5 on machines that do not have either framework installed
- improved Tablet support
- Fixes an issue that arises when Mac users customize their environment by removing Arial and Verdana fonts
- Fixes a known issue with Isolated Storage IncreaseQuotaTo method (see this post for more information)
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