目前是 RC0的版本,也就是所謂的候選版本,離正式版本已經非常非常貼近囉~
目前是 RC0的版本,也就是所謂的候選版本,離正式版本已經非常非常貼近囉~
Try SQL Server 2008 Today
Download SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 and try out the latest features for 180 days! The SQL Server development team uses your feedback to help refine and enhance product features. Download the latest trial today and share your feedback.
Select one of the options listed below. The Release Candidate 0 software for IT Professionals and Developers is exactly the same, but the supporting experience has been tailored to offer greater relevance for each profession. View system requirements.
Note: Download size varies from 900 MB to 950 MB, and can take more than 30 minutes to download, depending on the bandwidth of your high-speed connection.

Download SQL Server 2008 (RC0)
IT Professionals
Are you responsible for installing, configuring, administering, or troubleshooting database platforms and business intelligence applications? Do you manage IT resources and implement databases? Download SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 from the TechNet Trial Software Center and receive technical resources delivered straight to your inbox. These resources will be timed to help you make the most of your evaluation as you move through the three stages of evaluation - Discovery, assessment, deployment.
Are you are responsible for testing, designing, integrating, or developing Web sites and application software solutions? Are you the architect for enterprise solutions and information systems? Download SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 from the MSDN Evaluation Center and receive technical resources delivered straight to your inbox for an integrated evaluation experience.

Download SQL Server 2008 Express (RC0) or Express Advanced (RC0)
You can also try a Release Candidate 0 version of SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. This free, fully functional edition of SQL Server 2008 is ideal for learning and running desktop and small server database applications. SQL Server 2008 Express supports 1 CPU, 1 GB of RAM, and databases that are up to 4 GB in size.
IT Professionals
SQL Server Express includes powerful features, such as SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, a server-based platform for creating and delivering traditional and interactive reports, and a graphical management tool.

Download SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack
Feature Pack is a collection of stand-alone install packages that provide additional value for SQL Server 2008.
It contains 15 new components and includes the latest versions of:
Redistributable components for SQL Server 2008
Add-on providers for SQL Server 2008
Backward compatibility components for SQL Server 2008
我將思想傳授他人, 他人之所得,亦無損於我之所有;
猶如一人以我的燭火點燭,光亮與他同在,我卻不因此身處黑暗。----Thomas Jefferson
線上課程教學,遠距教學 (Web Form 約 51hr) https://dotblogs.com.tw/mis2000lab/2016/02/01/aspnet_online_learning_distance_education_VS2015
線上課程教學,遠距教學 (ASP.NET MVC 約 140hr) https://dotblogs.com.tw/mis2000lab/2018/08/14/ASPnet_MVC_Online_Learning_MIS2000Lab
寫信給我,不要私訊 -- mis2000lab (at) yahoo.com.tw 或 school (at) mis2000lab.net
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ASP.NET遠距教學、線上課程(Web Form + MVC)。 第一天課程, "完整" 試聽。
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......... YouTube (ASP.NET) 線上教學影片 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6IPPf6tvsNG8zX3u1LddvA/
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ASP.NET MVC => .NET Core MVC 線上教學 ...... 第一天課程 完整內容 "免費"讓您評估 / 試聽

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