摘要:次世代 .NET -- ASP.NET vNEXT (版本4.5.2)
您可以在微軟官方 Blog看見完整的文章
====== 根據上面文章的說明: ============================================================
次世代的 .NET,版本編號為 4.5.2
(目前的版本 VS 2012 = .NET 4.5已經有四個Update,VS 2013 = .NET 4.5.1已經有兩個 Update)
( VS 2013 Update 2,請由此下載 http://www.visualstudio.com/zh-tw/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs#d-visual-studio-2013-update )
The biggest of those is ASP.NET vNext, which is an updated version of ASP.NET that been optimized for cloud Web development.
詳見 .NET Foundation 官方網頁 (http://www.dotnetfoundation.org/)
其中包含 MVC / Web API / EF / Web Pages ....,etc. 共計24個專案(如下表)
(註解: Web Pages這個東西是用 Razor來寫網頁,類似以前ASP那種寫法,畫面與程式 Inline-Code。工具為WebMatrix。
跟我們常見的ASP.NET Web Form、後置程式碼 Code Behind不太一樣。)
.NET Foundation Projects
The .NET Foundation is starting with 24 .NET open source projects under its stewardship, including the newly announced .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") as well as the ASP.NET family of projects, both open sourced by Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. (MS Open Tech). Xamarin contributed six open source .NET projects including the very popular Mailkit and Mimekit projects.
The current project list includes:
本次 Tech.Ed 2014公開的新技術如下
TechEd .NET Announcements
Here’s a quick rundown of the .NET announcements that we shared at TechEd.
- .NET vNext
- ASP.NET vNext (MVC, Web API and Web Pages 6; EF 7; SignalR 3)
- .NET Framework 4.5.2
.NET Native Developer preview 2 – x86 support
- ( 希望C#原生機械碼可以跟C++表現一樣優越,能加速效能、減少記憶體的使用量。已經支援x86,未來希望能延伸到ARM與x64 )
- 可以參閱這篇中文說明 http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericsk/archive/2014/05/19/dotnet-native-preview.aspx
- .NET Next Generation JIT CTP 4 – supported on Windows 7
- Better support for Xamarin in .NET PCL NuGet Packages
- ApiPort API Portablity Analyzer
- Client Libraries for Office 365 REST APIs
次世代的 ASP.NET 會有下面的新技術與新功能
We’ve designed ASP.NET with a key set of design principles in mind:
- Cloud-ready out of the box
- A single programming model for Web sites and services
- Low-latency developer experience
- Make high-performance and high-productivity APIs and patterns available – enable them both to be used and compose together within a single app
- Fine-grained control available via command-line tools and standard file formats
- Delivered via NuGet
- Release as open source via the .NET Foundation
- Can run on Mono, on Mac and Linux ( 註解 : Mono是跨平台的 .NET開放原始碼專案,請看 http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page )
The table below outlines the scenarios we’ve built and where they are available.
Feature |
.NET vNext |
.NET vNext (Cloud Optimized) |
Cloud Ready |
* |
* |
Modular Design |
* |
* |
Dependency Injection |
* |
* |
Consistent Tracing / Debugging |
* |
* |
Faster Development (browser refresh) |
* |
* |
Open Source |
* |
* |
Full Side by Side (runtime and framework |
* |
Faster startup, Lower memory / Higher throughput (best of class) |
* |
Uses a smaller set of framework libraries |
* |
Enabled on Mono, on Mac and Linux |
* |
您可以看到很多地方都提到這個關鍵字 -- Roslyn
我有嘗試翻譯過這篇文章,但很艱澀(看起來不是我能力可瞭解的範疇),"部分的" 翻譯稿在此
大陸一位熱心網友 Ray Linn已經翻譯完成了,請看:http://blogs.ejb.cc/archives/7604/dotnet-compile-platform-roslyn-overview
一圖解千言,這張圖做為結論很完美 (點選圖片可連結到原文網站)
其他關於 Windows Form / Windows Phone或是其他領域,因為不是我關注的焦點
我將思想傳授他人, 他人之所得,亦無損於我之所有;
猶如一人以我的燭火點燭,光亮與他同在,我卻不因此身處黑暗。----Thomas Jefferson
線上課程教學,遠距教學 (Web Form 約 51hr) https://dotblogs.com.tw/mis2000lab/2016/02/01/aspnet_online_learning_distance_education_VS2015
線上課程教學,遠距教學 (ASP.NET MVC 約 140hr) https://dotblogs.com.tw/mis2000lab/2018/08/14/ASPnet_MVC_Online_Learning_MIS2000Lab
寫信給我,不要私訊 -- mis2000lab (at) yahoo.com.tw 或 school (at) mis2000lab.net
(1) 第一天 ASP.NET MVC5 完整影片(5.5小時 / .NET 4.x版)免費試聽。影片 https://youtu.be/9spaHik87-A
(2) 第一天 ASP.NET Core MVC 完整影片(3小時 / .NET Core 6.0~8.0)免費試聽。影片 https://youtu.be/TSmwpT-Bx4I
[學員感言] mis2000lab課程評價 - ASP.NET MVC , WebForm 。 https://mis2000lab.medium.com/%E5%AD%B8%E5%93%A1%E6%84%9F%E8%A8%80-mis2000lab%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B%E8%A9%95%E5%83%B9-asp-net-mvc-webform-77903ce9680b
ASP.NET遠距教學、線上課程(Web Form + MVC)。 第一天課程, "完整" 試聽。
......... facebook社團 https://www.facebook.com/mis2000lab ......................
......... YouTube (ASP.NET) 線上教學影片 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6IPPf6tvsNG8zX3u1LddvA/
Blog文章 "附的範例" 無法下載,請看 https://dotblogs.com.tw/mis2000lab/2016/03/14/2008_2015_mis2000lab_sample_download
ASP.NET MVC => .NET Core MVC 線上教學 ...... 第一天課程 完整內容 "免費"讓您評估 / 試聽

[遠距教學、教學影片] ASP.NET (Web Form) 課程 上線了!MIS2000Lab.主講 事先錄好的影片,並非上課側錄! 觀看時,有如「一對一」面對面講課。