Java - ScaleImae and Base64 encode

摘要:Java - ScaleImae and Base64 encode

        private static final int IMG_SCALE = 512;
        private static final int IMG_QUALITY = 75;

        public String getScaleImage(Bitmap src01) {
            String fs = null;
            double scale ;

            if(src01.getWidth() < src01.getHeight()){
                scale = (double) src01.getWidth() / IMG_SCALE;
                scale = (double) src01.getHeight() / IMG_SCALE;
            int width = (int) ((double) src01.getWidth() / scale);
            int height = (int) ((double) src01.getHeight() / scale);
            Bitmap src02 = null;
            src02 = null;
            src02 = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(src01, width, height, false);
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            src02.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, IMG_QUALITY, baos);
            byte[] bmByteArary = baos.toByteArray();
            String encoded = Base64.encode(bmByteArary);
            fs = encoded;
            return fs;