摘要:WCF議題 - 在Windows 7操作正常的系統,卻在Windows 2003仆街了(Possible WCF Serialization Issue?)
一開始想從Exception的stack trace來看,結果竟然是null直接宣告死刑.
查了幾篇文章提到了.net 3.5 與 sp1的問題,看了看感覺不大像,接著再以"mscorwks.dll wcf"為關鍵字搜尋,就找到了相關的文章與討論了.
" This post has finally solved my problem. It is 3:00 AM in Singapore here, and I have spent debugging, un-installing .NET, switching machines to machines with different configs, Googling all over the net, books, article. Rootcause is "IList<T>"
Strange enought, the IList<T> will have no problem in Windows 7 Prof with .NET 3.5 SP1. Thats why i did not suspect IList<T> at first. "