由別人的 java 轉成 C# 自用
來源出至: http://fiji.sc/Auto_Threshold
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace GameBot
class CThresholdAlgorithm
public enum ThresholdAlgorithms
Default = 0,
public static int GetThreshold(int[] data, ThresholdAlgorithms ta)
int ret = 0;
switch (ta)
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Huang:
ret = proc_Huang(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Intermodes:
ret = proc_Intermodes(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.IsoData:
ret = proc_IsoData(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Li:
ret = proc_Li(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Mean:
ret = proc_Mean(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.MinErrorI:
ret = proc_MinErrorI(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Minimum:
ret = proc_Minimum(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Moments:
ret = proc_Moments(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Otsu:
ret = proc_Otsu(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Percentile:
ret = proc_Percentile(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.RenyiEntropy:
ret = proc_RenyiEntropy(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.MaxEntropy:
ret = proc_MaxEntropy(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Shanbhag:
ret = proc_Shanbhag(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Triangle:
ret = proc_Triangle(data);
case ThresholdAlgorithms.Yen:
ret = proc_Yen(data);
ret = proc_Default(data);
return ret;
private static int proc_MaxEntropy(int[] data)
// Implements Kapur-Sahoo-Wong (Maximum Entropy) thresholding method
// Kapur J.N., Sahoo P.K., and Wong A.K.C. (1985) "A New Method for
// Gray-Level Picture Thresholding Using the Entropy of the Histogram"
// Graphical Models and Image Processing, 29(3): 273-285
// M. Emre Celebi
// 06.15.2007
// Ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from E Celebi's fourier_0.8 routines
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int threshold = -1;
int ih, it;
int first_bin;
int last_bin;
double tot_ent; /* total entropy */
double max_ent; /* max entropy */
double ent_back; /* entropy of the background pixels at a given threshold */
double ent_obj; /* entropy of the object pixels at a given threshold */
double[] norm_histo = new double[length]; /* normalized histogram */
double[] P1 = new double[length]; /* cumulative normalized histogram */
double[] P2 = new double[length];
int total = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
total += data[ih];
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
norm_histo[ih] = (double)data[ih] / total;
P1[0] = norm_histo[0];
P2[0] = 1.0 - P1[0];
for (ih = 1; ih < length; ih++)
P1[ih] = P1[ih - 1] + norm_histo[ih];
P2[ih] = 1.0 - P1[ih];
/* Determine the first non-zero bin */
first_bin = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
if (!(Math.Abs(P1[ih]) < 2.220446049250313E-16))
first_bin = ih;
/* Determine the last non-zero bin */
last_bin = length - 1;
for (ih = length - 1; ih >= first_bin; ih--)
if (!(Math.Abs(P2[ih]) < 2.220446049250313E-16))
last_bin = ih;
// Calculate the total entropy each gray-level
// and find the threshold that maximizes it
max_ent = Double.MinValue;
for (it = first_bin; it <= last_bin; it++)
/* Entropy of the background pixels */
ent_back = 0.0;
for (ih = 0; ih <= it; ih++)
if (data[ih] != 0)
ent_back -= (norm_histo[ih] / P1[it]) * Math.Log(norm_histo[ih] / P1[it]);
/* Entropy of the object pixels */
ent_obj = 0.0;
for (ih = it + 1; ih < length; ih++)
if (data[ih] != 0)
ent_obj -= (norm_histo[ih] / P2[it]) * Math.Log(norm_histo[ih] / P2[it]);
/* Total entropy */
tot_ent = ent_back + ent_obj;
// IJ.log(""+max_ent+" "+tot_ent);
if (max_ent < tot_ent)
max_ent = tot_ent;
threshold = it;
return threshold;
private static int proc_Yen(int[] data)
// Implements Yen thresholding method
// 1) Yen J.C., Chang F.J., and Chang S. (1995) "A New Criterion
// for Automatic Multilevel Thresholding" IEEE Trans. on Image
// Processing, 4(3): 370-378
// 2) Sezgin M. and Sankur B. (2004) "Survey over Image Thresholding
// Techniques and Quantitative Performance Evaluation" Journal of
// Electronic Imaging, 13(1): 146-165
// http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/sezgin04survey.html
// M. Emre Celebi
// 06.15.2007
// Ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from E Celebi's fourier_0.8 routines
int threshold;
int ih, it;
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
double crit;
double max_crit;
double[] norm_histo = new double[length]; /* normalized histogram */
double[] P1 = new double[length]; /* cumulative normalized histogram */
double[] P1_sq = new double[length];
double[] P2_sq = new double[length];
int total = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
total += data[ih];
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
norm_histo[ih] = (double)data[ih] / total;
P1[0] = norm_histo[0];
for (ih = 1; ih < length; ih++)
P1[ih] = P1[ih - 1] + norm_histo[ih];
P1_sq[0] = norm_histo[0] * norm_histo[0];
for (ih = 1; ih < length; ih++)
P1_sq[ih] = P1_sq[ih - 1] + norm_histo[ih] * norm_histo[ih];
P2_sq[length - 1] = 0.0;
for (ih = length - 2; ih >= 0; ih--)
P2_sq[ih] = P2_sq[ih + 1] + norm_histo[ih + 1] * norm_histo[ih + 1];
/* Find the threshold that maximizes the criterion */
threshold = -1;
max_crit = Double.MinValue;
for (it = 0; it < length; it++)
crit = -1.0 * ((P1_sq[it] * P2_sq[it]) > 0.0 ? Math.Log(P1_sq[it] * P2_sq[it]) : 0.0) + 2 * ((P1[it] * (1.0 - P1[it])) > 0.0 ? Math.Log(P1[it] * (1.0 - P1[it])) : 0.0);
if (crit > max_crit)
max_crit = crit;
threshold = it;
return threshold;
private static int proc_Triangle(int[] data)
// Zack, G. W., Rogers, W. E. and Latt, S. A., 1977,
// Automatic Measurement of Sister Chromatid Exchange Frequency,
// Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 25 (7), pp. 741-753
// modified from Johannes Schindelin plugin
// find min and max
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int min = 0, dmax = 0, max = 0, min2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (data[i] > 0)
min = i;
if (min > 0) min--; // line to the (p==0) point, not to data[min]
// The Triangle algorithm cannot tell whether the data is skewed to one side or another.
// This causes a problem as there are 2 possible thresholds between the max and the 2 extremes
// of the histogram.
// Here I propose to find out to which side of the max point the data is furthest, and use that as
// the other extreme.
for (int i = length - 1; i > 0; i--)
if (data[i] > 0)
min2 = i;
if (min2 < length - 1) min2++; // line to the (p==0) point, not to data[min]
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (data[i] > dmax)
max = i;
dmax = data[i];
// find which is the furthest side
//IJ.log(""+min+" "+max+" "+min2);
bool inverted = false;
if ((max - min) < (min2 - max))
// reverse the histogram
//IJ.log("Reversing histogram.");
inverted = true;
int left = 0; // index of leftmost element
int right = length - 1; // index of rightmost element
while (left < right)
// exchange the left and right elements
int temp = data[left];
data[left] = data[right];
data[right] = temp;
// move the bounds toward the center
min = length - 1 - min2;
max = length - 1 - max;
if (min == max)
//IJ.log("Triangle: min == max.");
return min;
// describe line by nx * x + ny * y - d = 0
double nx, ny, d;
// nx is just the max frequency as the other point has freq=0
nx = data[max]; //-min; // data[min]; // lowest value bmin = (p=0)% in the image
ny = min - max;
d = Math.Sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
nx /= d;
ny /= d;
d = nx * min + ny * data[min];
// find split point
int split = min;
double splitDistance = 0;
for (int i = min + 1; i <= max; i++)
double newDistance = nx * i + ny * data[i] - d;
if (newDistance > splitDistance)
split = i;
splitDistance = newDistance;
if (inverted)
// The histogram might be used for something else, so let's reverse it back
int left = 0;
int right = length - 1;
while (left < right)
int temp = data[left];
data[left] = data[right];
data[right] = temp;
return (length - 1 - split);
return split;
private static int proc_Shanbhag(int[] data)
// Shanhbag A.G. (1994) "Utilization of Information Measure as a Means of
// Image Thresholding" Graphical Models and Image Processing, 56(5): 414-419
// Ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from E Celebi's fourier_0.8 routines
int threshold;
int ih, it;
int first_bin;
int last_bin;
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
double term;
double tot_ent; /* total entropy */
double min_ent; /* max entropy */
double ent_back; /* entropy of the background pixels at a given threshold */
double ent_obj; /* entropy of the object pixels at a given threshold */
double[] norm_histo = new double[length]; /* normalized histogram */
double[] P1 = new double[length]; /* cumulative normalized histogram */
double[] P2 = new double[length];
int total = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
total += data[ih];
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
norm_histo[ih] = (double)data[ih] / total;
P1[0] = norm_histo[0];
P2[0] = 1.0 - P1[0];
for (ih = 1; ih < length; ih++)
P1[ih] = P1[ih - 1] + norm_histo[ih];
P2[ih] = 1.0 - P1[ih];
/* Determine the first non-zero bin */
first_bin = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
if (!(Math.Abs(P1[ih]) < 2.220446049250313E-16))
first_bin = ih;
/* Determine the last non-zero bin */
last_bin = length - 1;
for (ih = length - 1; ih >= first_bin; ih--)
if (!(Math.Abs(P2[ih]) < 2.220446049250313E-16))
last_bin = ih;
// Calculate the total entropy each gray-level
// and find the threshold that maximizes it
threshold = -1;
min_ent = Double.MaxValue;
for (it = first_bin; it <= last_bin; it++)
/* Entropy of the background pixels */
ent_back = 0.0;
term = 0.5 / P1[it];
for (ih = 1; ih <= it; ih++)
{ //0+1?
ent_back -= norm_histo[ih] * Math.Log(1.0 - term * P1[ih - 1]);
ent_back *= term;
/* Entropy of the object pixels */
ent_obj = 0.0;
term = 0.5 / P2[it];
for (ih = it + 1; ih < length; ih++)
ent_obj -= norm_histo[ih] * Math.Log(1.0 - term * P2[ih]);
ent_obj *= term;
/* Total entropy */
tot_ent = Math.Abs(ent_back - ent_obj);
if (tot_ent < min_ent)
min_ent = tot_ent;
threshold = it;
return threshold;
private static int proc_RenyiEntropy(int[] data)
// Kapur J.N., Sahoo P.K., and Wong A.K.C. (1985) "A New Method for
// Gray-Level Picture Thresholding Using the Entropy of the Histogram"
// Graphical Models and Image Processing, 29(3): 273-285
// M. Emre Celebi
// 06.15.2007
// Ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from E Celebi's fourier_0.8 routines
int threshold;
int opt_threshold;
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int ih, it;
int first_bin;
int last_bin;
int tmp_var;
int t_star1, t_star2, t_star3;
int beta1, beta2, beta3;
double alpha;/* alpha parameter of the method */
double term;
double tot_ent; /* total entropy */
double max_ent; /* max entropy */
double ent_back; /* entropy of the background pixels at a given threshold */
double ent_obj; /* entropy of the object pixels at a given threshold */
double omega;
double[] norm_histo = new double[length]; /* normalized histogram */
double[] P1 = new double[length]; /* cumulative normalized histogram */
double[] P2 = new double[length];
int total = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
total += data[ih];
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
norm_histo[ih] = (double)data[ih] / total;
P1[0] = norm_histo[0];
P2[0] = 1.0 - P1[0];
for (ih = 1; ih < length; ih++)
P1[ih] = P1[ih - 1] + norm_histo[ih];
P2[ih] = 1.0 - P1[ih];
/* Determine the first non-zero bin */
first_bin = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
if (!(Math.Abs(P1[ih]) < 2.220446049250313E-16))
first_bin = ih;
/* Determine the last non-zero bin */
last_bin = length - 1;
for (ih = length - 1; ih >= first_bin; ih--)
if (!(Math.Abs(P2[ih]) < 2.220446049250313E-16))
last_bin = ih;
/* Maximum Entropy Thresholding - BEGIN */
/* ALPHA = 1.0 */
/* Calculate the total entropy each gray-level
and find the threshold that maximizes it
threshold = 0; // was MIN_INT in original code, but if an empty image is processed it gives an error later on.
max_ent = 0.0;
for (it = first_bin; it <= last_bin; it++)
/* Entropy of the background pixels */
ent_back = 0.0;
for (ih = 0; ih <= it; ih++)
if (data[ih] != 0)
ent_back -= (norm_histo[ih] / P1[it]) * Math.Log(norm_histo[ih] / P1[it]);
/* Entropy of the object pixels */
ent_obj = 0.0;
for (ih = it + 1; ih < length; ih++)
if (data[ih] != 0)
ent_obj -= (norm_histo[ih] / P2[it]) * Math.Log(norm_histo[ih] / P2[it]);
/* Total entropy */
tot_ent = ent_back + ent_obj;
// IJ.log(""+max_ent+" "+tot_ent);
if (max_ent < tot_ent)
max_ent = tot_ent;
threshold = it;
t_star2 = threshold;
/* Maximum Entropy Thresholding - END */
threshold = 0; //was MIN_INT in original code, but if an empty image is processed it gives an error later on.
max_ent = 0.0;
alpha = 0.5;
term = 1.0 / (1.0 - alpha);
for (it = first_bin; it <= last_bin; it++)
/* Entropy of the background pixels */
ent_back = 0.0;
for (ih = 0; ih <= it; ih++)
ent_back += Math.Sqrt(norm_histo[ih] / P1[it]);
/* Entropy of the object pixels */
ent_obj = 0.0;
for (ih = it + 1; ih < length; ih++)
ent_obj += Math.Sqrt(norm_histo[ih] / P2[it]);
/* Total entropy */
tot_ent = term * ((ent_back * ent_obj) > 0.0 ? Math.Log(ent_back * ent_obj) : 0.0);
if (tot_ent > max_ent)
max_ent = tot_ent;
threshold = it;
t_star1 = threshold;
threshold = 0; //was MIN_INT in original code, but if an empty image is processed it gives an error later on.
max_ent = 0.0;
alpha = 2.0;
term = 1.0 / (1.0 - alpha);
for (it = first_bin; it <= last_bin; it++)
/* Entropy of the background pixels */
ent_back = 0.0;
for (ih = 0; ih <= it; ih++)
ent_back += (norm_histo[ih] * norm_histo[ih]) / (P1[it] * P1[it]);
/* Entropy of the object pixels */
ent_obj = 0.0;
for (ih = it + 1; ih < length; ih++)
ent_obj += (norm_histo[ih] * norm_histo[ih]) / (P2[it] * P2[it]);
/* Total entropy */
tot_ent = term * ((ent_back * ent_obj) > 0.0 ? Math.Log(ent_back * ent_obj) : 0.0);
if (tot_ent > max_ent)
max_ent = tot_ent;
threshold = it;
t_star3 = threshold;
/* Sort t_star values */
if (t_star2 < t_star1)
tmp_var = t_star1;
t_star1 = t_star2;
t_star2 = tmp_var;
if (t_star3 < t_star2)
tmp_var = t_star2;
t_star2 = t_star3;
t_star3 = tmp_var;
if (t_star2 < t_star1)
tmp_var = t_star1;
t_star1 = t_star2;
t_star2 = tmp_var;
/* Adjust beta values */
if (Math.Abs(t_star1 - t_star2) <= 5)
if (Math.Abs(t_star2 - t_star3) <= 5)
beta1 = 1;
beta2 = 2;
beta3 = 1;
beta1 = 0;
beta2 = 1;
beta3 = 3;
if (Math.Abs(t_star2 - t_star3) <= 5)
beta1 = 3;
beta2 = 1;
beta3 = 0;
beta1 = 1;
beta2 = 2;
beta3 = 1;
//IJ.log(""+t_star1+" "+t_star2+" "+t_star3);
/* Determine the optimal threshold value */
omega = P1[t_star3] - P1[t_star1];
opt_threshold = (int)(t_star1 * (P1[t_star1] + 0.25 * omega * beta1) + 0.25 * t_star2 * omega * beta2 + t_star3 * (P2[t_star3] + 0.25 * omega * beta3));
return opt_threshold;
private static int proc_Percentile(int[] data)
// W. Doyle, "Operation useful for similarity-invariant pattern recognition,"
// Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 9,pp. 259-267, 1962.
// ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from Antti Niemisto's Matlab code (GPL)
// Original Matlab code Copyright (C) 2004 Antti Niemisto
// See http://www.cs.tut.fi/~ant/histthresh/ for an excellent slide presentation
// and the original Matlab code.
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
//int iter = 0;
int threshold = -1;
double ptile = 0.5; // default fraction of foreground pixels
double[] avec = new double[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
avec[i] = 0.0;
double total = partialSum(data, length - 1);
double temp = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
avec[i] = Math.Abs((partialSum(data, i) / total) - ptile);
//IJ.log("Ptile["+i+"]:"+ avec[i]);
if (avec[i] < temp)
temp = avec[i];
threshold = i;
return threshold;
private static double partialSum(int[] y, int j)
double x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++)
x += y[i];
return x;
private static int proc_Otsu(int[] data)
// Otsu's threshold algorithm
// C++ code by Jordan Bevik
// ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int k, kStar; // k = the current threshold; kStar = optimal threshold
int N1, N; // N1 = # points with intensity <=k; N = total number of points
double BCV, BCVmax; // The current Between Class Variance and maximum BCV
double num, denom; // temporary bookeeping
int Sk; // The total intensity for all histogram points <=k
int S, L = length; // The total intensity of the image
// Initialize values:
S = N = 0;
for (k = 0; k < L; k++)
S += k * data[k]; // Total histogram intensity
N += data[k]; // Total number of data points
Sk = 0;
N1 = data[0]; // The entry for zero intensity
BCV = 0;
BCVmax = 0;
kStar = 0;
// Look at each possible threshold value,
// calculate the between-class variance, and decide if it's a max
for (k = 1; k < L - 1; k++)
{ // No need to check endpoints k = 0 or k = L-1
Sk += k * data[k];
N1 += data[k];
// The float casting here is to avoid compiler warning about loss of precision and
// will prevent overflow in the case of large saturated images
denom = (double)(N1) * (N - N1); // Maximum value of denom is (N^2)/4 = approx. 3E10
if (denom != 0)
// Float here is to avoid loss of precision when dividing
num = ((double)N1 / N) * S - Sk; // Maximum value of num = 255*N = approx 8E7
BCV = (num * num) / denom;
BCV = 0;
if (BCV >= BCVmax)
{ // Assign the best threshold found so far
BCVmax = BCV;
kStar = k;
// kStar += 1; // Use QTI convention that intensity -> 1 if intensity >= k
// (the algorithm was developed for I-> 1 if I <= k.)
return kStar;
private static int proc_Moments(int[] data)
// W. Tsai, "Moment-preserving thresholding: a new approach," Computer Vision,
// Graphics, and Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 377-393, 1985.
// Ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from the the open source project FOURIER 0.8
// by M. Emre Celebi , Department of Computer Science, Louisiana State University in Shreveport
// Shreveport, LA 71115, USA
// http://sourceforge.net/projects/fourier-ipal
// http://www.lsus.edu/faculty/~ecelebi/fourier.htm
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
double total = 0;
double m0 = 1.0, m1 = 0.0, m2 = 0.0, m3 = 0.0, sum = 0.0, p0 = 0.0;
double cd, c0, c1, z0, z1; /* auxiliary variables */
int threshold = -1;
double[] histo = new double[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
total += data[i];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
histo[i] = (double)(data[i] / total); //normalised histogram
/* Calculate the first, second, and third order moments */
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
m1 += i * histo[i];
m2 += i * i * histo[i];
m3 += i * i * i * histo[i];
First 4 moments of the gray-level image should match the first 4 moments
of the target binary image. This leads to 4 equalities whose solutions
are given in the Appendix of Ref. 1
cd = m0 * m2 - m1 * m1;
c0 = (-m2 * m2 + m1 * m3) / cd;
c1 = (m0 * -m3 + m2 * m1) / cd;
z0 = 0.5 * (-c1 - Math.Sqrt(c1 * c1 - 4.0 * c0));
z1 = 0.5 * (-c1 + Math.Sqrt(c1 * c1 - 4.0 * c0));
p0 = (z1 - m1) / (z1 - z0); /* Fraction of the object pixels in the target binary image */
// The threshold is the gray-level closest
// to the p0-tile of the normalized histogram
sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
sum += histo[i];
if (sum > p0)
threshold = i;
return threshold;
private static int proc_Minimum(int[] data)
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
if (length < 2)
return 0;
// J. M. S. Prewitt and M. L. Mendelsohn, "The analysis of cell images," in
// Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 128, pp. 1035-1053, 1966.
// ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from Antti Niemisto's Matlab code (GPL)
// Original Matlab code Copyright (C) 2004 Antti Niemisto
// See http://www.cs.tut.fi/~ant/histthresh/ for an excellent slide presentation
// and the original Matlab code.
// Assumes a bimodal histogram. The histogram needs is smoothed (using a
// running average of size 3, iteratively) until there are only two local maxima.
// Threshold t is such that yt−1 > yt ≤ yt+1.
// Images with histograms having extremely unequal peaks or a broad and
// flat valley are unsuitable for this method.
int iter = 0;
int threshold = -1;
int max = -1;
double[] iHisto = new double[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
iHisto[i] = (double)data[i];
if (data[i] > 0) max = i;
double[] tHisto = iHisto;
while (!bimodalTest(iHisto))
//smooth with a 3 point running mean filter
for (int i = 1; i < length - 1; i++)
tHisto[i] = (iHisto[i - 1] + iHisto[i] + iHisto[i + 1]) / 3;
tHisto[0] = (iHisto[0] + iHisto[1]) / 3; //0 outside
tHisto[length - 1] = (iHisto[length - 2] + iHisto[length - 1]) / 3; //0 outside
iHisto = tHisto;
if (iter > 10000)
threshold = -1;
//IJ.log("Minimum Threshold not found after 10000 iterations.");
return threshold;
// The threshold is the minimum between the two peaks. modified for 16 bits
for (int i = 1; i < max; i++)
//IJ.log(" "+i+" "+iHisto[i]);
if (iHisto[i - 1] > iHisto[i] && iHisto[i + 1] >= iHisto[i])
threshold = i;
return threshold;
private static bool bimodalTest(double[] y)
int len = y.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
bool b = false;
int modes = 0;
for (int k = 1; k < len - 1; k++)
if (y[k - 1] < y[k] && y[k + 1] < y[k])
if (modes > 2)
return false;
if (modes == 2)
b = true;
return b;
private static int proc_MinErrorI(int[] data)
// Kittler and J. Illingworth, "Minimum error thresholding," Pattern Recognition, vol. 19, pp. 41-47, 1986.
// C. A. Glasbey, "An analysis of histogram-based thresholding algorithms," CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol. 55, pp. 532-537, 1993.
// Ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from Antti Niemisto's Matlab code (GPL)
// Original Matlab code Copyright (C) 2004 Antti Niemisto
// See http://www.cs.tut.fi/~ant/histthresh/ for an excellent slide presentation
// and the original Matlab code.
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int threshold = proc_Mean(data); //Initial estimate for the threshold is found with the MEAN algorithm.
int Tprev = -2;
double mu, nu, p, q, sigma2, tau2, w0, w1, w2, sqterm, temp;
//int counter=1;
while (threshold != Tprev)
//Calculate some statistics.
mu = MB(data, threshold) / MA(data, threshold);
nu = (MB(data, length - 1) - MB(data, threshold)) / (MA(data, length - 1) - MA(data, threshold));
p = MA(data, threshold) / MA(data, length - 1);
q = (MA(data, length - 1) - MA(data, threshold)) / MA(data, length - 1);
sigma2 = MC(data, threshold) / MA(data, threshold) - (mu * mu);
tau2 = (MC(data, length - 1) - MC(data, threshold)) / (MA(data, length - 1) - MA(data, threshold)) - (nu * nu);
//The terms of the quadratic equation to be solved.
w0 = 1.0 / sigma2 - 1.0 / tau2;
w1 = mu / sigma2 - nu / tau2;
w2 = (mu * mu) / sigma2 - (nu * nu) / tau2 + Math.Log10((sigma2 * (q * q)) / (tau2 * (p * p)));
//If the next threshold would be imaginary, return with the current one.
sqterm = (w1 * w1) - w0 * w2;
if (sqterm < 0)
//IJ.log("MinError(I): not converging. Try \'Ignore black/white\' options");
return threshold;
//The updated threshold is the integer part of the solution of the quadratic equation.
Tprev = threshold;
temp = (w1 + Math.Sqrt(sqterm)) / w0;
if (Double.IsNaN(temp))
//IJ.log("MinError(I): NaN, not converging. Try \'Ignore black/white\' options");
threshold = Tprev;
threshold = (int)Math.Floor(temp);
//IJ.log("Iter: "+ counter+++" t:"+threshold);
return threshold;
private static double MA(int[] y, int j)
double x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++)
x += y[i];
return x;
private static double MB(int[] y, int j)
double x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++)
x += i * y[i];
return x;
private static double MC(int[] y, int j)
double x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++)
x += i * i * y[i];
return x;
private static int proc_Mean(int[] data)
// C. A. Glasbey, "An analysis of histogram-based thresholding algorithms,"
// CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol. 55, pp. 532-537, 1993.
// The threshold is the mean of the greyscale data
int threshold = -1;
double tot = 0, sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1; i++)
tot += data[i];
sum += (i * data[i]);
threshold = (int)Math.Floor(sum / tot);
return threshold;
private static int proc_Li(int[] data)
// Implements Li's Minimum Cross Entropy thresholding method
// This implementation is based on the iterative version (Ref. 2) of the algorithm.
// 1) Li C.H. and Lee C.K. (1993) "Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding"
// Pattern Recognition, 26(4): 617-625
// 2) Li C.H. and Tam P.K.S. (1998) "An Iterative Algorithm for Minimum
// Cross Entropy Thresholding"Pattern Recognition Letters, 18(8): 771-776
// 3) Sezgin M. and Sankur B. (2004) "Survey over Image Thresholding
// Techniques and Quantitative Performance Evaluation" Journal of
// Electronic Imaging, 13(1): 146-165
// http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/sezgin04survey.html
// Ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from E Celebi's fourier_0.8 routines
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int threshold;
int ih;
int num_pixels;
int sum_back; /* sum of the background pixels at a given threshold */
int sum_obj; /* sum of the object pixels at a given threshold */
int num_back; /* number of background pixels at a given threshold */
int num_obj; /* number of object pixels at a given threshold */
double old_thresh;
double new_thresh;
double mean_back; /* mean of the background pixels at a given threshold */
double mean_obj; /* mean of the object pixels at a given threshold */
double mean; /* mean gray-level in the image */
double tolerance; /* threshold tolerance */
double temp;
tolerance = 0.5;
num_pixels = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++)
num_pixels += data[ih];
/* Calculate the mean gray-level */
mean = 0.0;
for (ih = 0; ih < length; ih++) //0 + 1?
mean += ih * data[ih];
mean /= num_pixels;
/* Initial estimate */
new_thresh = mean;
old_thresh = new_thresh;
threshold = (int)(old_thresh + 0.5); /* range */
/* Calculate the means of background and object pixels */
/* Background */
sum_back = 0;
num_back = 0;
for (ih = 0; ih <= threshold; ih++)
sum_back += ih * data[ih];
num_back += data[ih];
mean_back = (num_back == 0 ? 0.0 : (sum_back / (double)num_back));
/* Object */
sum_obj = 0;
num_obj = 0;
for (ih = threshold + 1; ih < length; ih++)
sum_obj += ih * data[ih];
num_obj += data[ih];
mean_obj = (num_obj == 0 ? 0.0 : (sum_obj / (double)num_obj));
/* Calculate the new threshold: Equation (7) in Ref. 2 */
//new_thresh = simple_round ( ( mean_back - mean_obj ) / ( Math.log ( mean_back ) - Math.log ( mean_obj ) ) );
//simple_round ( double x ) {
// return ( int ) ( IS_NEG ( x ) ? x - .5 : x + .5 );
//#define IS_NEG( x ) ( ( x ) < -DBL_EPSILON )
//DBL_EPSILON = 2.220446049250313E-16
temp = (mean_back - mean_obj) / (Math.Log(mean_back) - Math.Log(mean_obj));
if (temp < -2.220446049250313E-16)
new_thresh = (int)(temp - 0.5);
new_thresh = (int)(temp + 0.5);
/* Stop the iterations when the difference between the
new and old threshold values is less than the tolerance */
while (Math.Abs(new_thresh - old_thresh) > tolerance);
return threshold;
private static int proc_IsoData(int[] data)
// Also called intermeans
// Iterative procedure based on the isodata algorithm [T.W. Ridler, S. Calvard, Picture
// thresholding using an iterative selection method, IEEE Trans. System, Man and
// Cybernetics, SMC-8 (1978) 630-632.]
// The procedure divides the image into objects and background by taking an initial threshold,
// then the averages of the pixels at or below the threshold and pixels above are computed.
// The averages of those two values are computed, the threshold is incremented and the
// process is repeated until the threshold is larger than the composite average. That is,
// threshold = (average background + average objects)/2
// The code in ImageJ that implements this function is the getAutoThreshold() method in the ImageProcessor class.
// From: Tim Morris (dtm@ap.co.umist.ac.uk)
// Subject: Re: Thresholding method?
// posted to sci.image.processing on 1996/06/24
// The algorithm implemented in NIH Image sets the threshold as that grey
// value, G, for which the average of the averages of the grey values
// below and above G is equal to G. It does this by initialising G to the
// lowest sensible value and iterating:
// L = the average grey value of pixels with intensities < G
// H = the average grey value of pixels with intensities > G
// is G = (L + H)/2?
// yes => exit
// no => increment G and repeat
// There is a discrepancy with IJ because they are slightly different methods
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int i, l, toth, totl, h, g = 0;
for (i = 1; i < length; i++)
if (data[i] > 0)
g = i + 1;
while (true)
l = 0;
totl = 0;
for (i = 0; i < g; i++)
totl = totl + data[i];
l = l + (data[i] * i);
h = 0;
toth = 0;
for (i = g + 1; i < length; i++)
toth += data[i];
h += (data[i] * i);
if (totl > 0 && toth > 0)
l /= totl;
h /= toth;
if (g == (int)Math.Round((l + h) / 2.0))
if (g > length - 2)
//IJ.log("IsoData Threshold not found.");
return -1;
return g;
private static int proc_Intermodes(int[] data)
// J. M. S. Prewitt and M. L. Mendelsohn, "The analysis of cell images," in
// Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 128, pp. 1035-1053, 1966.
// ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from Antti Niemisto's Matlab code (GPL)
// Original Matlab code Copyright (C) 2004 Antti Niemisto
// See http://www.cs.tut.fi/~ant/histthresh/ for an excellent slide presentation
// and the original Matlab code.
// Assumes a bimodal histogram. The histogram needs is smoothed (using a
// running average of size 3, iteratively) until there are only two local maxima.
// j and k
// Threshold t is (j+k)/2.
// Images with histograms having extremely unequal peaks or a broad and
// flat valley are unsuitable for this method.
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
double[] iHisto = new double[length];
int iter = 0;
int threshold = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
iHisto[i] = (double)data[i];
while (!bimodalTest(iHisto))
//smooth with a 3 point running mean filter
double previous = 0, current = 0, next = iHisto[0];
for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
previous = current;
current = next;
next = iHisto[i + 1];
iHisto[i] = (previous + current + next) / 3;
iHisto[length - 1] = (current + next) / 3;
if (iter > 10000)
threshold = -1;
//IJ.log("Intermodes Threshold not found after 10000 iterations.");
return threshold;
// The threshold is the mean between the two peaks.
int tt = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < length - 1; i++)
if (iHisto[i - 1] < iHisto[i] && iHisto[i + 1] < iHisto[i])
tt += i;
//IJ.log("mode:" +i);
threshold = (int)Math.Floor(tt / 2.0);
return threshold;
private static int proc_Huang(int[] data)
// Implements Huang's fuzzy thresholding method
// Uses Shannon's entropy function (one can also use Yager's entropy function)
// Huang L.-K. and Wang M.-J.J. (1995) "Image Thresholding by Minimizing
// the Measures of Fuzziness" Pattern Recognition, 28(1): 41-51
// Reimplemented (to handle 16-bit efficiently) by Johannes Schindelin Jan 31, 2011
// find first and last non-empty bin
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int first, last;
for (first = 0; first < length && data[first] == 0; first++)
; // do nothing
for (last = length - 1; last > first && data[last] == 0; last--)
; // do nothing
if (first == last)
return 0;
// calculate the cumulative density and the weighted cumulative density
double[] S = new double[last + 1], W = new double[last + 1];
S[0] = data[0];
for (int i = Math.Max(1, first); i <= last; i++)
S[i] = S[i - 1] + data[i];
W[i] = W[i - 1] + i * data[i];
// precalculate the summands of the entropy given the absolute difference x - mu (integral)
double C = last - first;
double[] Smu = new double[last + 1 - first];
for (int i = 1; i < Smu.GetUpperBound(0) + 1; i++)
double mu = 1 / (1 + Math.Abs(i) / C);
Smu[i] = -mu * Math.Log(mu) - (1 - mu) * Math.Log(1 - mu);
// calculate the threshold
int bestThreshold = 0;
double bestEntropy = Double.MaxValue;
for (int threshold = first; threshold <= last; threshold++)
double entropy = 0;
int mu = (int)Math.Round(W[threshold] / S[threshold]);
for (int i = first; i <= threshold; i++)
entropy += Smu[Math.Abs(i - mu)] * data[i];
mu = (int)Math.Round((W[last] - W[threshold]) / (S[last] - S[threshold]));
for (int i = threshold + 1; i <= last; i++)
entropy += Smu[Math.Abs(i - mu)] * data[i];
if (bestEntropy > entropy)
bestEntropy = entropy;
bestThreshold = threshold;
return bestThreshold;
private static int proc_Default(int[] data)
// Original IJ implementation for compatibility.
int length = data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
int level;
int maxValue = length - 1;
double result, sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4;
int min = 0;
while ((data[min] == 0) && (min < maxValue))
int max = maxValue;
while ((data[max] == 0) && (max > 0))
if (min >= max)
level = length / 2;
return level;
int movingIndex = min;
int inc = Math.Max(max / 40, 1);
sum1 = sum2 = sum3 = sum4 = 0.0;
for (int i = min; i <= movingIndex; i++)
sum1 += i * data[i];
sum2 += data[i];
for (int i = (movingIndex + 1); i <= max; i++)
sum3 += i * data[i];
sum4 += data[i];
result = (sum1 / sum2 + sum3 / sum4) / 2.0;
} while ((movingIndex + 1) <= result && movingIndex < max - 1);
level = (int)Math.Round(result);
return level;