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2010/6/24-25 交通大學 Windows Azure 短期訓練課程

1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
2. Introduction to Windows Azure
3. Establish Development Environment
4. Programming Table Storage
5. Programming BLOB Storage
6. Programming Queue Storage
7. Introduction to SQL Azure
8. Programming SQL Azure Database
9. WCF Foundations
10. AppFabric Access Control
11. AppFabric Service Bus

2010/7/17 點部落網聚


2010/9/23 高苑科技大學 Windows Azure 課程

由 Windows Azure Platform 談雲端運算

2010/9/28-30 Microsoft Tech.days 2010

COS303 – Programing Windows Azure Platform AppFabric, Create a SOA solution for your enterprise
COS308 – The Cloud and Windows Azure Platform Security

2010/11/19 清大雲端種子教師培訓 Hands on Lab (SkyDrive): http://cid-266e4a8b12eeb19e.office.live.com/browse.aspx/Slides/NTHU%202010-11-19%20Windows%20Azure%20Labs

2011/01/06-07 微軟創新中心 Windows Azure Workshop (SkyDrive): http://cid-266e4a8b12eeb19e.office.live.com/browse.aspx/Slides/MIC%202011-01-06%20to%202011-01-07


1. Windows Azure Platform Overview.
2. Establishing the Development Environment
3. Storage Services
4. Web Role and Worker Role
5. Windows Azure Connect and VM Role
6. Introduction to SQL Azure
7. SQL Azure Development
8. Architecting Cloud Application for Windows Azure
9. Migrating Application to Windows Azure
10. Windows Azure Billing

2011/1/13 資訊安全大會師高雄場。

2011/3/17 Microsft Lync 應用程式開發。

2011/3/18 資策會雲端研討會 SQL Azure 講題。

2011/5/30, 6/10 資策會 Windows Azure 課程。

2011/7/4 A Lap around Windows Azure Platform