[Data Access] ORM 原理 (8) : 集合處理與 Lazy Loading

在原理 (7) 中,我們完成了關聯的基本處理,只是我們做到的是一對一的關聯,如果今天要的是一對多的關聯時,我們就需要處理到集合物件,集合物件不像單一物件那麼簡單,尤其是集合物件的元素又和其他物件有關聯時,載入的方式就會決定程式的速度,以我們到目前為止的例子,Customers, Orders 和 Employees 三個表格,Customers 會和 Orders 有一對多的關係,而 Orders 和 Customers 與 Employees 有一對一的關係,我們在原理 (7) 中實作的是 Order 類別,所以是一對一,但如果我們要實作 Customers 和 Orders 之間的關係,會變成一對多,也就是我們要處理 Customer 類別內的 OrderCollection 集合物件...

在原理 (7) 中,我們完成了關聯的基本處理,只是我們做到的是一對一的關聯,如果今天要的是一對多的關聯時,我們就需要處理到集合物件,集合物件不像單一物件那麼簡單,尤其是集合物件的元素又和其他物件有關聯時,載入的方式就會決定程式的速度,以我們到目前為止的例子,Customers, Orders 和 Employees 三個表格,Customers 會和 Orders 有一對多的關係,而 Orders 和 Customers 與 Employees 有一對一的關係,我們在原理 (7) 中實作的是 Order 類別,所以是一對一,但如果我們要實作 Customers 和 Orders 之間的關係,會變成一對多,也就是我們要處理 Customer 類別內的 OrderCollection 集合物件。

   1: public class Customer : EntityObject
   2: {
   3:     public string CustomerID { get; set; }
   4:     public string CompanyName { get; set; }
   5:     public string ContactName { get; set; }
   6:     public string ContactTitle { get; set; }
   7:     public string Address { get; set; }
   8:     public string City { get; set; }
   9:     public string Region { get; set; }
  10:     public string PostalCode { get; set; }
  11:     public string Country { get; set; }
  12:     public string Phone { get; set; }
  13:     public string Fax { get; set; }
  15:     public OrderCollection Orders { get; set; }
  16: }


集合物件在處理上要考量的第一個因素,就是我們要花多少成本在載入資料上,以一般撰寫資料庫應用程式而言,有兩種作法,一種是一次 JOIN 所有的資料,另一種則是開不同的連線來載入資料,依照實測的結果,一次 JOIN 所有的資料速度會比開不同的連線要來得快,透過 JOIN 載入資料時間上也不會太慢,除非資料量大。只是資料載回來後還要把資料塞到集合中,這一點就有點麻煩,因為集合物件是依附在 entity 物件之下,當我們使用一次 JOIN 方式載回資料時,在 entity 上會有很多重覆資料出現,要怎麼略過這些重覆的 entity 資料,以處理我們需要的集合元素資料,就是要考量的第二個因素。

為了要達成這個目的,我們改寫了 DataContext.GetEntities<TCollection, T>() 方法:

   1: public TCollection GetEntities<TCollection, T>()
   2:     where TCollection : List<T>
   3:     where T : class
   4: {
   5:     TCollection entityCollection = (TCollection)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TCollection));
   6:     Configuration.EntityConfiguration entityConfiguration =
   7:         this._entitySetConfiguration.EntityConfigurations.GetConfigurationFromType(typeof(T).FullName);
   9:     IDataReader reader = this._provider.ExecuteQuery(this.PrepareStatement<T>(), null);
  11:     while (reader.Read())
  12:     {
  13:         T entity = null;
  14:         bool entityExists = false;
  16:         if (entityCollection.Count > 0)
  17:         {
  18:             // check the key value for element is exist.
  19:             List<Configuration.EntitySchemaMap> keyColumns = entityConfiguration.EntitySchemaMaps.GetKeyColumns();
  20:             entity = entityCollection[entityCollection.Count - 1];
  22:             foreach (Configuration.EntitySchemaMap keyColumn in keyColumns)
  23:             {
  24:                 PropertyInfo entityProperty = entity.GetType().GetProperty(keyColumn.EntityPropertyName);
  26:                 // handle type casting.
  27:                 TypeConverters.ITypeConverter typeConverter = TypeConverters.TypeConverterFactory.GetConvertType(entityProperty.PropertyType);
  28:                 object value = null;
  30:                 if (!entityProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum)
  31:                 {
  32:                     value = Convert.ChangeType(typeConverter.Convert(reader.GetValue(reader.GetOrdinal(keyColumn.EntitySchemaName))), entityProperty.PropertyType);
  33:                 }
  34:                 else
  35:                 {
  36:                     TypeConverters.EnumConverter converter = typeConverter as TypeConverters.EnumConverter;
  37:                     value = Convert.ChangeType(converter.Convert(entityProperty.PropertyType, reader.GetValue(reader.GetOrdinal(keyColumn.EntitySchemaName))), entityProperty.PropertyType);
  38:                 }
  40:                 if (!this.CompareValue(entityProperty.GetValue(entity, null), value))
  41:                 {
  42:                     // if one of key value is not match, object is different.
  43:                     entity = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)) as T;
  44:                     break;
  45:                 }
  47:                 entityExists = true;
  48:             }
  49:         }
  50:         else
  51:             entity = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)) as T;
  53:         MethodInfo bindingMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("BindingDataFromSchemaToProperty", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
  54:         bindingMethod = bindingMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T));
  55:         bindingMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { reader, entity, entityConfiguration, entityExists });
  57:         if (!entityExists)
  58:         {
  59:             entityCollection.Add(entity);
  60:         }
  61:     }
  63:     reader.Close();
  65:     return entityCollection;
  66: }


改寫的部份是判斷 entity 本身是否有被載入過,透過這個方式來判斷重覆資料,並且將處理集合的工作交給 BindingDataFromSchemaToProperty<T>() 方法:

   1: private void BindingDataFromSchemaToProperty<T>(ref IDataReader reader, ref T entity, Configuration.EntityConfiguration entityConfiguration, bool entityIsExist)
   2: {
   3:     PropertyInfo[] properties = entity.GetType().GetProperties();
   4:     Dictionary<string, int> propertySchemaMapList = new Dictionary<string, int>();
   5:     bool isEntityLoaded = false;
   7:     foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
   8:     {
   9:         int ordinal = -1;
  10:         Type propType = property.PropertyType;
  12:         // get attribute.
  13:         Configuration.EntitySchemaMap schemaMap = entityConfiguration.EntitySchemaMaps.GetConfigurationFromPropertyName(property.Name);
  15:         if ((!entityIsExist) && schemaMap != null)
  16:         {
  17:             // get column index, if not exist, set -1 to ignore.
  18:             if (!propertySchemaMapList.ContainsKey(schemaMap.EntitySchemaName))
  19:             {
  20:                 try
  21:                 {
  22:                     ordinal = reader.GetOrdinal(schemaMap.EntitySchemaName);
  23:                 }
  24:                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
  25:                 {
  26:                     ordinal = -1;
  27:                 }
  29:                 propertySchemaMapList.Add(schemaMap.EntitySchemaName, ordinal);
  30:             }
  31:             else
  32:                 ordinal = propertySchemaMapList[schemaMap.EntitySchemaName];
  34:             // set value.
  35:             if (ordinal >= 0)
  36:             {
  37:                 TypeConverters.ITypeConverter typeConverter = TypeConverters.TypeConverterFactory.GetConvertType(propType);
  39:                 if (!propType.IsEnum)
  40:                 {
  41:                     property.SetValue(entity,
  42:                         Convert.ChangeType(typeConverter.Convert(reader.GetValue(ordinal)), propType), null);
  43:                 }
  44:                 else
  45:                 {
  46:                     TypeConverters.EnumConverter converter = typeConverter as TypeConverters.EnumConverter;
  47:                     property.SetValue(entity,
  48:                         Convert.ChangeType(converter.Convert(propType, reader.GetValue(ordinal)), propType), null);
  49:                 }
  51:                 if (!isEntityLoaded)
  52:                 {
  53:                     isEntityLoaded = true;
  54:                     (entity as EntityObject).SetEntityLoaded();
  55:                 }
  56:             }
  57:         }
  58:         else
  59:         {
  60:             // search schema.
  61:             Configuration.EntityRelationMap relationMap = entityConfiguration.EntityRelationMaps.GetConfigurationFromPropertyName(property.Name);
  62:             DataContext context = new DataContext(this._schemaConfigurationName);
  63:             MethodInfo methodGetEntity = null;
  64:             MethodInfo methodGetEntities = null;
  66:             MethodInfo[] methods = context.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
  68:             foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
  69:             {
  70:                 if (method.Name == "GetEntity")
  71:                     methodGetEntity = method;
  73:                 if (method.Name == "InternalGetEntities")
  74:                     methodGetEntities = method;
  75:             }
  77:             if (relationMap != null)
  78:             {
  79:                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
  80:                     this._entitySetConfiguration.EntityCollections.GetEntityTypeFromCollectionTypeName(
  81:                     property.PropertyType.FullName)))
  82:                 {
  83:                     object collection = property.GetValue(entity, null);
  84:                     bool isEntityObjectLoaded = false;
  86:                     if (collection == null)
  87:                         collection = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType);
  89:                     string entityType = this._entitySetConfiguration.EntityCollections.GetEntityTypeFromCollectionTypeName(property.PropertyType.FullName);
  90:                     object entityObject = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(entityType));
  91:                     List<Configuration.EntitySchemaMap> targetSchemaKeyColumns =
  92:                         this._entitySetConfiguration.EntityConfigurations.GetConfigurationFromType(entityType).EntitySchemaMaps.GetKeyColumns();
  94:                     foreach (Configuration.EntitySchemaMap targetSchemaKeyColumn in targetSchemaKeyColumns)
  95:                     {
  96:                         try
  97:                         {
  98:                             object value = reader.GetValue(reader.GetOrdinal(targetSchemaKeyColumn.EntitySchemaName));
 100:                             if (value != DBNull.Value)
 101:                             {
 102:                                 PropertyInfo entityObjectProperty = entityObject.GetType().GetProperty(targetSchemaKeyColumn.EntityPropertyName);
 103:                                 entityObjectProperty.SetValue(entityObject, value, null);
 105:                                 if (!isEntityObjectLoaded)
 106:                                 {
 107:                                     (entityObject as EntityObject).SetEntityKeyLoaded();
 108:                                     isEntityObjectLoaded = true;
 109:                                 }
 110:                             }
 111:                         }
 112:                         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
 113:                         {
 114:                         }
 115:                     }
 117:                     //PropertyInfo[] entityObjectProperties = entityObject.GetType().GetProperties();
 119:                     //foreach (PropertyInfo entityObjectProperty in entityObjectProperties)
 120:                     //{
 121:                     //    try
 122:                     //    {
 123:                     //        ordinal = reader.GetOrdinal(entityObjectProperty.Name);
 124:                     //        object value = reader.GetValue(ordinal);
 126:                     //        if (value != DBNull.Value && ordinal >= 0)
 127:                     //        {
 128:                     //            TypeConverters.ITypeConverter typeConverter = TypeConverters.TypeConverterFactory.GetConvertType(entityObjectProperty.PropertyType);
 130:                     //            if (!entityObjectProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum)
 131:                     //            {
 132:                     //                entityObjectProperty.SetValue(entityObject,
 133:                     //                    Convert.ChangeType(typeConverter.Convert(reader.GetValue(ordinal)), entityObjectProperty.PropertyType), null);
 134:                     //            }
 135:                     //            else
 136:                     //            {
 137:                     //                TypeConverters.EnumConverter converter = typeConverter as TypeConverters.EnumConverter;
 138:                     //                entityObjectProperty.SetValue(entityObject,
 139:                     //                    Convert.ChangeType(converter.Convert(propType, reader.GetValue(ordinal)), entityObjectProperty.PropertyType), null);
 140:                     //            }
 142:                     //            if (!isEntityObjectLoaded)
 143:                     //            {
 144:                     //                (entityObject as EntityObject).SetEntityLoaded();
 145:                     //                isEntityObjectLoaded = true;
 146:                     //            }
 147:                     //        }
 148:                     //    }
 149:                     //    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
 150:                     //    {
 151:                     //    }
 152:                     //}
 154:                     // append object into collection.
 155:                     if (isEntityObjectLoaded)
 156:                         collection.GetType().GetMethod("Add").Invoke(collection, new object[] { Convert.ChangeType(entityObject, Type.GetType(entityType)) });
 158:                     property.SetValue(entity, collection, null);
 159:                 }
 160:                 else
 161:                 {
 162:                     // load relation object. (single object).
 163:                     ordinal = reader.GetOrdinal(relationMap.TargetSchemaPropertyName);
 164:                     object entityObject = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType);
 165:                     PropertyInfo[] entityObjectProperties = entityObject.GetType().GetProperties();
 167:                     foreach (PropertyInfo entityObjectProperty in entityObjectProperties)
 168:                     {
 169:                         if (relationMap.SourceSchemaPropertyName == entityObjectProperty.Name)
 170:                         {
 171:                             entityObjectProperty.SetValue(entityObject, reader.GetValue(ordinal), null);
 172:                         }
 173:                     }
 175:                     property.SetValue(entity, entityObject, null);
 176:                 }
 177:             }
 178:         }
 179:     }
 180: }


重點是在行號 79-158 之間的程式,該段程式是處理集合的程式碼,其中有一段被註解掉的,是做 Full Loading 的程式碼,它會將所有的資料載到元素物件,再交給集合物件。不過 Full Loading 的時間,依我們實測的結果,載入 Customers 以及所屬 Orders 所需要的時間要 35 秒左右,實在不利於應用程式的效能,這也是 ORM Framework 會遇到的一個主要問題,所以才會有 Lazy Loading (延遲載入) 的技術出現,我們不需要一開始就載入所有的資料,只要在呼叫時載入即可,因此上面的實作中的 94-115 行,就是處理延遲載入的工作,我們只要載入元素的鍵值,以後真的需要時再載入全部的資料即可。透過延遲載入的方式,程式所需要的時間可以縮短到只要 0.3-0.5 秒,速度差了 35 倍以上

另外一個要處理的地方,是如果設定 LEFT JOIN 但沒有可對應的資料時要怎麼處理,在本例中我們只要發現資料有被載入到物件時,就設定一個 Loaded 的旗標,為了要達到這個目的,我們新增了一個 EntityObject 類別,並且設定所有資料類別都繼承它:

   1: public abstract class EntityObject
   2: {
   3:     public bool IsLoaded { get; private set; }
   4:     public bool IsKeyLoaded { get; private set; }
   5:     public DateTime LastModifiedDate { get; private set; }
   6:     public bool IsModified { get; private set; }
   8:     public EntityObject()
   9:     {
  10:         this.IsLoaded = false;
  11:         this.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.MinValue;
  12:         this.IsModified = false;
  13:     }
  15:     public void SetEntityLoaded()
  16:     {
  17:         this.IsLoaded = true;
  18:     }
  20:     public void SetEntityKeyLoaded()
  21:     {
  22:         this.IsKeyLoaded = true;
  23:     }
  25:     public void SetEntityModified()
  26:     {
  27:         this.IsModified = true;
  28:         this.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
  29:     }
  30: }


我們也修改了組態檔,加入關聯的設定 (LEFT JOIN):

   1: <entity type="ConsoleApplication2.Customer" schema="Customers">
   2:   <maps>
   3:     <map propertyName="CustomerID" schemaName="CustomerID" isKey="true" />
   4:     <map propertyName="CompanyName" schemaName="CompanyName" />
   5:     <map propertyName="ContactName" schemaName="ContactName" />
   6:     <map propertyName="ContactTitle" schemaName="ContactTitle" />
   7:     <map propertyName="Address" schemaName="Address" />
   8:     <map propertyName="City" schemaName="City" />
   9:     <map propertyName="Region" schemaName="Region" />
  10:     <map propertyName="PostalCode" schemaName="PostalCode" />
  11:     <map propertyName="Country" schemaName="Country" />
  12:     <map propertyName="Phone" schemaName="Phone" />
  13:     <map propertyName="Fax" schemaName="Fax" />
  14:   </maps>
  15:   <relations>
  16:     <relation propertyName="Orders"
  17:               mapSchemaName="Orders" 
  18:               mapType="LEFT JOIN"
  19:               sourceSchemaPropertyName="CustomerID" 
  20:               targetSchemaPropertyName="CustomerID" 
  21:               mapExpression="=" />
  22:   </relations>
  23: </entity>



   1: DB.DataContext db = new DB.DataContext("sql");
   2: CustomerCollection customerList = db.GetEntities<CustomerCollection, Customer>();
   4: foreach (Customer customer in customerList)
   5: {
   6:     Console.WriteLine("id: {0}, name: {1}, order count: {2}", customer.CustomerID, customer.CompanyName, customer.Orders.Count);
   7: }


執行一下,我們可以看到執行很快,然後試著修改在 BindingDataFromSchemaToProperty<T>() 中的程式,將 Lazy Loading 改成 Full Loading,感受一下速度上的差異。

Source Code: https://dotblogsfile.blob.core.windows.net/user/regionbbs/1111/20111125121157709.rar