(hw2)React: Section 4: 作業2:Time to Practice - List & Conditionals

第 4 節作業:基本語法練習:Lists 與 Conditionals。於輸入框中輸入新的英文字母時,下方的英文字母 list 與英文字母卡可以同步改變,並同步檢查輸入的內容長度,如果輸入內容較短,顯示 Text too short,反之顯示 Text long enough。另外,當點擊英文字母卡時,被點擊的英文字母 list 與英文字母卡,以及輸入框中的那個英文字母會消失。

1. Create an input field (in App component) with a change listener which outputs the length of the entered text below it (e.g. in a paragraph).

2. Create a new component (=> ValidationComponent) which receives the text length as a prop

3. Inside the ValidationComponent, either output "Text too short" or "Text long enough" depending on the text length (e.g. take 5 as a minimum length)

4. Create another component (=> CharComponent) and style it as an inline box (=> display: inline-block, padding: 16px, text-align: center, margin: 16px, border: 1px solid black).

5. Render a list of CharComponents where each CharComponent receives a different letter of the entered text (in the initial input field) as a prop.

6. When you click a CharComponent, it should be removed from the entered text.

Hint: Keep in mind that JavaScript strings are basically arrays!​



import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Validation from './Validation/Validation';
import Char from './Char/Char';

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    userInput: ''

  inputChangedHandler = ( event ) => {
    this.setState( { userInput: event.target.value } );

  deleteCharHandler = ( index ) => {
    const text = this.state.userInput.split('');
    text.splice(index, 1);
    const updatedText = text.join('');
    this.setState({userInput: updatedText});

  render () {
    const charList = this.state.userInput.split('').map((ch, index) => {
      return <Char 
        clicked={() => this.deleteCharHandler(index)} />;

    return (
      <div className="App">
          <li>Create an input field (in App component) with a change listener which outputs the length of the entered text below it (e.g. in a paragraph).</li>
          <li>Create a new component (=> ValidationComponent) which receives the text length as a prop</li>
          <li>Inside the ValidationComponent, either output "Text too short" or "Text long enough" depending on the text length (e.g. take 5 as a minimum length)</li>
          <li>Create another component (=> CharComponent) and style it as an inline box (=> display: inline-block, padding: 16px, text-align: center, margin: 16px, border: 1px solid black).</li>
          <li>Render a list of CharComponents where each CharComponent receives a different letter of the entered text (in the initial input field) as a prop.</li>
          <li>When you click a CharComponent, it should be removed from the entered text.</li>
        <p>Hint: Keep in mind that JavaScript strings are basically arrays!</p>
        <hr />
          value={this.state.userInput} />
        <Validation inputLength={this.state.userInput.length} />

export default App;


import React from 'react';

const validation = ( props ) => {
    let validationMessage = 'Text long enough';

    if (props.inputLength <= 5) {
        validationMessage = 'Text too short';

    return (

export default validation;


import React from 'react';

const char = (props) => {
    const style = {
        display: 'inline-block',
        padding: '16px',
        margin: '16px',
        border: '1px solid black',
        textAlign: 'center'

    return (
        <div style={style} onClick={props.clicked}>

export default char;
