《oracle 9i 升級 10g 過程 一》

繼續執行 utlu102i.sql 後,spool 出來的檔案內容是升級 oracle 10g 前的檢查...


繼續執行 utlu102i.sql 後,spool 出來的檔案內容是升級 oracle 10g 前的檢查;內容如下:

SQL> @utlu102i.sql
Oracle Database 10.2 Upgrade Information Utility    06-15-2009 21:57:00         
--> name:       ORACLEA                                                         
--> version:                                                       
--> compatible:                                                       
Logfiles: [make adjustments in the current environment]                         
--> The existing log files are adequate. No changes are required.               
Tablespaces: [make adjustments in the current environment]                      
--> SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.                              
.... minimum required size: 170 MB                                              
--> TEMP tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.                                
.... minimum required size: 58 MB                                               
--> CWMLITE tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.                             
.... minimum required size: 1 MB                                                
--> DRSYS tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.                               
.... minimum required size: 17 MB                                               
--> EXAMPLE tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.                             
.... minimum required size: 2 MB                                                
--> ODM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.                                 
.... minimum required size: 0 MB                                                
--> XDB tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.                                 
.... minimum required size: 3 MB                                                
Update Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.2 init.ora or spfile]             
WARNING: --> "shared_pool_size" needs to be increased to at least 177861837     
WARNING: --> "java_pool_size" needs to be increased to at least 67108864        
WARNING: --> "streams_pool_size" is not currently defined and needs a value of  
at least 50331648                                                               
WARNING: --> "session_max_open_files" needs to be increased to at least 20      
Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.2 init.ora or spfile]         
WARNING: --> "lock_name_space" new name is "db_unique_name"                     
Obsolete Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.2 init.ora or spfile]           
--> "hash_join_enabled"                                                         
--> "log_archive_start"                                                         
Components: [The following database components will be upgraded or installed]   
--> Oracle Catalog Views         [upgrade]  VALID                               
--> Oracle Packages and Types    [upgrade]  VALID                               
--> JServer JAVA Virtual Machine [upgrade]  VALID                               
...The 'JServer JAVA Virtual Machine' JAccelerator (NCOMP)                      
...is required to be installed from the 10g Companion CD.                       
--> Oracle XDK for Java          [upgrade]  VALID                               
--> Oracle Java Packages         [upgrade]  VALID                               
--> Oracle Text                  [upgrade]  VALID                               
--> Oracle XML Database          [upgrade]  VALID                               
--> Oracle Workspace Manager     [upgrade]  VALID                               
--> Oracle Data Mining           [upgrade]  LOADED                              
--> OLAP Analytic Workspace      [upgrade]  LOADED                              
--> OLAP Catalog                 [upgrade]  VALID                               
--> Oracle OLAP API              [upgrade]  LOADED                              
--> Oracle interMedia            [upgrade]  LOADED                              
...The 'Oracle interMedia Image Accelerator' is                                 
...required to be installed from the 10g Companion CD.                          
--> Spatial                      [upgrade]  LOADED                              
--> Oracle Ultra Search          [upgrade]  VALID                               
... To successfully upgrade Ultra Search, install it from                       
... the 10g Companion CD.                                                       
Miscellaneous Warnings                                                          
WARNING: --> The database has not been patched to release            
... Run catpatch.sql prior to upgrading.                                        
WARNING: --> Deprecated CONNECT role granted to some user/roles.                
.... CONNECT role after upgrade has only CREATE SESSION privilege.              
WARNING: --> Database contains stale optimizer statistics.                      
.... Refer to the 10g Upgrade Guide for instructions to update                  
.... statistics prior to upgrading the database.                                
.... Component Schemas with stale statistics:                                   
....   SYS                                                                      
....   CTXSYS                                                                   
....   XDB                                                                      
....   WMSYS                                                                    
....   ODM                                                                      
....   OLAPSYS                                                                  
....   ORDSYS                                                                   
....   MDSYS                                                                    
....   WKSYS                                                                    
SYSAUX Tablespace:                                                              
[Create tablespace in the Oracle Database 10.2 environment]                     
--> New "SYSAUX" tablespace                                                     
.... minimum required size for database upgrade: 500 MB                         
已順利完成 PL/SQL 程序.
SQL> spool off