底線文字,前面加上 『~@C001-』,後面加上『@~』
刪除線文字,前面加上 『~@C002-』,後面加上『@~』
特定字體,前面加上 『~@CXXX-』,後面加上『@~』
『~@』指示InDesign Server在處理到這時,要注意開始套用特定樣式了。
『@~』指示InDesign Server套用作業到此結束。
Dim firstSym As String = "~@" '共通符 前符
Dim lastSym As String = "@~" '共通符 尾符
Dim sepSym As String = "-" ''共通符 區別符
Dim theNameStyleCode As String = "C001" '私名號樣式碼
Dim theBookStyleCode As String = "C002" '書名號樣式碼
Dim thePhone1 As String = "C101" '華康寬注音(標楷W5)
Dim thePhone2 As String = "C102" '華康寬破音一(標楷W5)
Dim thePhone3 As String = "C103" '華康寬破音二(標楷W5)
Dim thePhone4 As String = "C104" '華康寬破音三(標楷W5)
Dim thePhone5 As String = "C105" '華康寬破音四(標楷W5)
Dim thePhone6 As String = "C106" '華康寬破音五(標楷W5)
Dim thePhone1_Name As String = "華康寬注音(標楷W5)"
Dim thePhone2_Name As String = "華康寬破音一(標楷W5)"
Dim thePhone3_Name As String = "華康寬破音二(標楷W5)"
Dim thePhone4_Name As String = "華康寬破音三(標楷W5)"
Dim thePhone5_Name As String = "華康寬破音四(標楷W5)"
Dim thePhone6_Name As String = "華康寬破音五(標楷W5)"
Dim totalCount As Integer = 0 '計量
Dim charsCount As Integer = 0 '收集字數
Dim prevLineCode As String = "" '前字 線代號
For v1 As Integer = sCell.Characters.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim nowChars As Excel.Characters = sCell.Characters(v1, 1) '目前進行到的文字
If nowChars.Font.Underline.ToString() <> prevLineCode Or v1 = 1 Then '目前文字底線代碼與上次紀錄的線型代碼不同
Dim preCharUnderLine As String = sCell.Characters(v1 + 1, 1).Font.Underline.ToString() '取得上一個字的底線代號
If preCharUnderLine = "2" Then ' 如果底線代號為 2 ( 單底線 )
Dim startLocation As Integer = v1 + 1 '原則上開始的位置應該是目前字的前一個字
If v1 = 1 Then '
startLocation = startLocation - 1 '則開始位置是目前這個字,不是前一個字,故開始位置要減1
charsCount += 1 '本字即時納入,不然會錯過
End If
Dim firstChar As Excel.Characters = sCell.Characters(startLocation, 1) '確定第一個是哪種線型
Dim rangeChars As Excel.Characters = sCell.Characters(startLocation, charsCount) '全字串
totalCount += rangeInsert(rangeChars, theNameStyleCode)
End If
charsCount = 1 '字數歸零 本字納入
prevLineCode = nowChars.Font.Underline.ToString() '更新線碼
Else '有接續
charsCount += 1
End If
prevLineCode = sCell.Characters(v1, 1).Font.Underline.ToString() '紀錄線代號
Dim totalCount As Integer = 0 '計量
Dim charsCount As Integer = 0 '集字數
Dim prevStrikeStatus As String = "" '前字 刪除線狀態
For v1 As Integer = sCell.Characters.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim nowChars As Excel.Characters = sCell.Characters(v1, 1)
If nowChars.Font.Strikethrough.ToString() <> prevStrikeStatus.ToString() Or v1 = 1 Then
If prevStrikeStatus = "True" Then
Dim startLocation As Integer = v1 + 1
If v1 = 1 Then
startLocation = startLocation - 1 '起始位置是目前這個字,不是前一個字,故開始位置要減1
charsCount += 1 '本字即時納入
End If
Dim rangeChars As Excel.Characters = sCell.Characters(startLocation, charsCount) '全字串
totalCount += rangeInsert(rangeChars, theBookStyleCode)
End If
charsCount = 1 '字數歸零 本字納入
prevStrikeStatus = nowChars.Font.Strikethrough.ToString() '更新狀態
Else '有接續
charsCount += 1
End If
prevStrikeStatus = sCell.Characters(v1, 1).Font.Strikethrough.ToString() '紀錄線代號
Dim totalCount As Integer = 0 '計量
Dim charsCount As Integer = 0 '集字數
Dim prevFontName As String = "" '前字 字體名稱
For v1 As Integer = sCell.Characters.Count To 1 Step -1 '由後往前推
Dim nowChars As Excel.Characters = sCell.Characters(v1, 1) '目前字元
If nowChars.Font.Name.ToString() <> prevFontName Or v1 = 1 Then '目前字體名稱不等於前一個字體名稱
Dim preCharFontName As String = sCell.Characters(v1 + 1, 1).Font.Name.ToString() '上一個字的字體名稱
Dim startLocation As Integer = v1 + 1
If v1 = 1 Then
startLocation = startLocation - 1 '起始位置是目前這個字,不是前一個字,故開始位置要減1
charsCount += 1 '本字即時納入
End If
Dim firstChar As Excel.Characters = sCell.Characters(startLocation, 1) '第一個字要確定是哪種字體
Dim rangeChars As Excel.Characters = sCell.Characters(startLocation, charsCount) '全字串
Select Case firstChar.Font.Name.ToString()
Case thePhone1_Name
totalCount += rangeInsert(rangeChars, thePhone1)
Case thePhone2_Name
totalCount += rangeInsert(rangeChars, thePhone2)
Case thePhone3_Name
totalCount += rangeInsert(rangeChars, thePhone3)
Case thePhone4_Name
totalCount += rangeInsert(rangeChars, thePhone4)
Case thePhone5_Name
totalCount += rangeInsert(rangeChars, thePhone5)
Case thePhone6_Name
totalCount += rangeInsert(rangeChars, thePhone6)
End Select
'End If
charsCount = 1 '字數歸零 本字納入
prevFontName = nowChars.Font.Name.ToString() '更新線碼
Else '有接續
charsCount += 1
End If
prevFontName = sCell.Characters(v1, 1).Font.Name.ToString() '重記
Function rangeInsert(ByVal rangeChars As Excel.Characters, ByVal styleName As String) As Integer
If Trim(rangeChars.Text) = "" Then
Return 0
End If
rangeChars.Insert(firstSym & styleName & sepSym & rangeChars.Text.ToString() & lastSym)
Return 1
End Function