摘要:HH0-440: Storage Architect - Performance & Virtualization
Hitachi Data Systems Certification HH0-440 日立集团由众多的事业部门、事业公司组成,并拥有多项技术、产品、解决方案技术。像这样事业范围广泛、且多样化的企业集团,在世界上并不多见。日立的创业精神之本就是发挥综合实力,开创新价值,也就是创造”uVALUE”、鼓舞下一时代,这也正是其他公司无法仿效的,日立真正的价值所在。是将日立集团内广泛的事业、技术、专有技术进行有机结合,发挥出“真正的综合实力”,为满足客户和社会日趋多样的需求而创造最好的”uVALUE”,实现日立的企业理念”Inspire the Next”(为新时代注入新的活力)。 TestPassPort IT認證題庫網專業提供Hitachi Data Systems Certification HH0-440最新題庫下載,完全覆蓋HH0-440考試原題。HH0-440:Hitachi Data Systems Certification HH0-440 Questions and Answers,Storage Architect - Performance & Virtualization
1. Which level of Write Pending is normal for a busy OLTP Universal Storage Platform (USP) system adequately managing the destaging of writes?
A.0% to 20%
B.20% to 30%
C.30% to 40%
D.40% to 50%
Answer: B
2. Which three key metrics are needed for sizing industry standard applications? (Choose three.)
A.IO read/write ratios
B.port speed
C.IO rates and data transfer rates
D.cache read hit ratios
E.number of ACP/BED pairs
Answer: ACD