Meanings of Colour in a Logo?

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The importance of colors can't be underestimated during the process of logo creation. Use them right, and your fast food chain logo is worthy enough to be noticed if even placed beside McDonald's. 

The importance of colors can't be underestimated during the process of logo creation. Use them right, and your fast food chain logo is worthy enough to be noticed if even placed beside McDonald's. Use them wrong, and people won't leave a stone So are are 5 colors, along with their meanings and effects they have on the audience, to help you out when stuck in the tedious task of logo creation.

1. Red

Associated often with love, anger, sex, passion, and fire, Red is a color to be used cautiously as it sometimes contradicts itself. The color is highly visible even from a great distance and gets noticed even when it isn't trying to. When pursuing logo creation , you must be well aware that red has different meanings in different cultures. Brands using Red in their logo:

  • Coca-Cola
  • Toyota
  • Oracle
  • Verizon

Negative Feelings Depicted by Red 

Temper, agitation, anger, and overbearing, demanding, and oppressive behavior

Positive Feelings Depicted by Red 

Energy, power, enthusiasms, excitement.

2. Yellow

Yellow paints as light as it looks. Art designers have been using the color from a long time to show joy, fun, and lightness as part of a character's psychology. Food chains like McDonald and Burger King use Yellow as part of their logo. Matter that needs to be taken care of while using Yellow as part of logo creation is its shades. This color is often used with school buses and taxis as it gets noticed easily. Brands using Yellow:

  • National Geographic
  • IMDB
  • Snapshot
  • Nirvana

Positive Feelings Depicted by Yellow

Warmth, cheerfulness, clarity, increased mental activity, and muscle energy. 

Negative Feelings Depicted by Yellow

Sickness, Warning

3. Orange

Orange combines yellow and red. It combines the fieriness of a devil, with the cheerfulness of a baby. Humans perceive Orange as a hot color, so it radiates the sensation of heat to its viewers. This color could be used when a designer wants to Exhibit the energy of red, minus its negative aspects. Brands using orange in their logo:

  • Crush
  • Miranda
  • Fanta
  • Harley-Davidson

Positive Feelings Depicted by orange

Joy, sunshine, playfulness, Inspiration, Socialization, contentment

Negative Feelings Depicted by orange

Deceit, distrust.

4. Green

Green is the sign of prosperity, wealth, and greenery. Associated mostly with nature, Green brings in a concept of freshness when added with brands advertising food and edibles. The color also stands firm with interior decorators, as they often choose it to design or Redesign walls of a house. Some famous brands using Green to promote their products include:

  • Acer
  • TicTac
  • Subway
  • Carlsberg

Positive Feelings Depicted by Green

Youthful, Nature, Religious, Good luck, Adventure

Negative Feelings Depicted by Green

Laziness, stupidity, Depression

More info: vervelogic

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