Why You Should Focus on Internal Linking

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Link equity is simply the importance that a webpage holds due to its high amount of page visits or backlinks from trusted domains. You can use this link equity to help your other web pages increase their SERP rankings too.

Internal linking is simply an act of connecting your web pages to each other. Now, why is it important? SEO companies in jaipur say that people often underestimate the power of their own blog or content. Bloggers sit and wait for their bank accounts to soar up, so they could invest heavily on AdWords and AdSense. But the truth is, if used properly, organic traffic beats the paid one hands down when it comes to blogs. Even the best SEO company in jaipur would tell you that internal linking can prove to be your biggest asset to improve your on-page SEO, and by extension your organic search.

So here are 4 reasons why you should have more trust in your own content, and start linking your pages with each other.

Benefits of Internal Link building

Improves Page Indexing

Google uses bots (also called crawlers) that it runs on your web pages to understand what they are about. The job of these bots is to understand the subject matter, keywords used, length of articles, and links. Now, when these bots come in contact with a link provided on your page, and if it’s a do-follow one, they visit that too. So if you provide a URL of a new web page of your website, then it would help Google detect it soon. And this will lead to its early indexing.

Keeps readers on your website

One factor that Google takes into account while a ranking a website is how much time readers spend on it. This helps the search engine know that your content is interesting and people are getting value out of it. By internal linking, you can make your users go from one page to others, which will make them spend more time on your website.

Decreases bounce rate

A webpage bounce is when a visitor lands on your webpage and leaves without taking any further action. This “action” part means users not navigating to any other page. From Google’s Analytics support: A bounce is a single-page session on your site. In Analytics, a bounce is calculated specifically as a session that triggers only a single request to the Analytics server. So even if you have written a fantastic content explaining about different tax types, it will count as a bounce if your visitor just reads it and leaves. So it’s better to connect each tax type to a dedicated page which explains the content in further detail. SEO companies in Jaipur say this will help in reducing the overall bounce rate on your website. 

Distributes Link Equity

Link equity is simply the importance that a webpage holds due to its high amount of page visits or backlinks from trusted domains. You can use this link equity to help your other web pages increase their SERP rankings too. SEO company in Jaipur say that by linking your pages that need an increase in their SERP rankings to the ones already ranking higher, you tell Google that they are as important as your main page. But this practice doesn’t need to be continued with all pages on your website. Pages that already have high ranks don’t need to be given the link equity of other high ranking pages.

Internal linking is not only about SEO. It means that you trust your content, and want to share more and more of it with your visitors. And if you are receiving some increase in your traffic due to this, it certainly won’t do you any harm.

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