AJAX Control Toolkit May 2009 Release (New Control:HTMLEditor,ComboBox,ColorPicker)

摘要:AJAX Control Toolkit May 2009 Release (New Control:HTMLEditor,ComboBox,ColorPicker)

AJAX Control Toolkit在五月所Release版本裡,

下載點:AJAX Control Toolkit Release Notes - May 2009 Release

* HTMLEditor

The HTMLEditor control allows you to easily create and edit HTML content. You can edit in design mode, as a rich text editor, or in source view to edit the HTML markup directly.
Many thanks to by Obout http://www.obout.com for building this.

* ComboBox

The ComboBox control provides a DropDownList of items, combined with TextBox. Different modes determine the interplay between the text entry and the list of items.
Many thanks to Dan Ludwig for building this.

* ColorPicker

The ColorPicker Control Extender can be attached to any ASP.NET TextBox control. It provides client-side color-picking functionality with UI in a popup control.
Many thanks to Alexander Turlov for building this.


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