Setup Project - VS2010 integrated shell vs2008 integrated shell

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  • 2018-06-29

Setup Project - VS2010 integrated shell  vs2008 integrated shell  

I'm using Setup Project in vs2015, and after setting up things in Application Folder, User's Decktop, User's Program Menu , I start building, and it prompt me to install something like vs2010 integrated shell or  vs2010 isolated shell or  vs2008 integrated shell,

I follow the steps of install like Installing Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 may prompt for source, but it can't recognize the vs_setup.msi, so the build process stuck here, and depressedly cannot build sucess.

Finally, a flash of inspiration tells me try to uninstall all vs2010 integrated shell   vs2010 isolated shell  vs2008 integrated shell  from the control panel then it suddenly simply pass building!

But note that uninstall these package might cause some potential problem.